"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes Update "we continue to break away from time as a fixed concept and into more of a liquid one" - 28.03.2022


We had a small increase over the week most of the pressure was from the sun teaching us a new coding + light of hope coming online we now stand at 10450 data points, as we continue to break away from time as a fixed concept and into more of a liquid one that can be displaced and measured clearly the mind tends to move towards madness for those who find themselves stuck the most important thing in these times of great change is simply to commit to moving forward in what ever way shows up for you at the time and to celebrate each day you make it through that is all that is ever required of us so if you find yourself stuck ask yourself, Am i Good? Am i doing Good? Do i have Faith? Am i able to enjoy the Ride? which ever step your stuck on is totally ok but being honest with yourself is the way forward always and once you are aware of where you really are then you will find you move forward towards your goals and dreams extremely fast now ::hugs::

Our journey through time so far (datapoints)


  1. what is a data point Jason?
    blessings and many thanks!

    1. Hello, sorry the late reply - datapoints = ratio of time. 1 datapoint is 1 hour worth of information. So currently we are around 10450 datapoints/hour, so we process 10450 hour information/ hour. The "time" is speeding up. Here the video where he explain - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWdTwOiyt9I

    2. Hello Andy. How are you?? Im sorry i miss you from time to time. L.

      Your so much eternally hated computers....( While you stil use robotic aspects AKA PROGRAMMING/ videogames......the computer mind got re-activated a week ago.
      The Robotic CREATED lelo by converting the predatory aspects...
      Lelo was there BEFORE we met!! I NEED him, For Elite psychological insigths.

      Have a great day L.

    3. damn i wish i would be free from this shoud i write to andy, or should i stay out over and over again battle.i just want to be free ; i want lelo to be free

    4. Im SORRY i really miss you andy; i general i dont ask for help.
      Thats all i really miss you. But i also want the computer mind back; i want to battle IQ 200 people!!

    5. Hello, I´m fine, thanks for asking. How are you? I see, you have still your own battle inside you - about this I not really can help you. You should just know that everyone have their own battle in this existence - I have too but other kind. why you miss me? may you miss inside yourself something what you see inside me.
