"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alex Myles - Equinox - 20.03.2022

March 20th, 2022 signifies the celebration of the spring equinox for those in the Northern Hemisphere and the fall equinox for those in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Equinox is a balanced day when the hours of day and night are of equal length, and harmony exists between the light and dark. It occurs twice each year—once in spring and again in fall.

This equinox brings an intense vibrational and transformational energy wave, and is also the closure of the previous vibrational wave, which began on the winter solstice, Dec 21st, 2021. This brings to an end many events, particularly ones where we have now finally learned the lessons and are ready to leave behind.

The equinox is also the beginning of our journey through the astrological year, which moves us away from subtle, sensitive Pisces and into heady fire-sign Aries. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is represented by a ram.

Rams are no-nonsense creatures that charge full-steam ahead, and if we are attuned to cosmic energy, we will notice a powerful energy shift and an instinctual need to “spring clean” our relationships, homes, hearts and minds. Therefore, it is essential to remind ourselves to be patient and rational, and not make hasty decisions that could potentially damage meaningful relationships.

Whatever changes and shifts are occurring at this stage are all for our own, as well as other people’s, highest good.

This day can be seen as a transitional rebirthing, or a “reset stage” where we release our hold on the old and open and prepare ourselves for the year ahead.

The equinox brings in “master energy” that can be summed up with the fiery attitude of “take no sh*t and clear out old clutter,” as many of us, particularly those who are highly sensitive, will be feeling less tolerant and eager to cleanse our lives of anything or anyone that drains us, creates blockages, or causes distress.

This is a a time for retreat and to take time to indulge in valuable introspection. We can aim to be far from chaos and consciously refrain from conflict and confrontation.

Intuition will be particularly strong, distortion will be cleared, and awareness will be heightened on this day, as a huge portal has opened due to the formation of “equinox cracks,” which many scientists believe happen semi-annually during the equinoxes and can remain open for many hours.

These cracks in Earth’s magnetosphere (protective bubble) open up a portal that allows highly vibrating energy from the universe to flow in and directly impact energetic particles on Earth, including all living beings.

When a portal opens, energy travels between dimensions between two distant locations in the universe—for example, from the sun to the Earth, delivering life-changing highly charged transformational frequencies. This gifts us the opportunity to experience a full, conscious awakening through renewed energy, infinite possibilities, higher wisdom, optimum growth, and increased and deeper levels of love and wisdom.

The vital life-force energy that is propelled toward our planet on the equinox, and during other intense energy periods, such as full and new moons, solar storms, and planetary retrogrades, is not only absorbed by living creatures but by all of nature.

It is also the perfect opportunity to balance and harmonise by understanding, loving, accepting and embracing our entire selves, and having absolute faith that we are limitless, miraculous beings of light, wide-open to the possibility of reaching our fullest and highest potential.

Throughout the duration of this week, there will likely be many solar storms taking place, as is normally the case around an equinox. The solar flares that erupt from the sun during these storms can disturb Earth’s magnetic field and have a magnificent effect on human behaviour and are known to expand spiritual consciousness.

The equinox prepares us for a new phase and the theme is balancing dark and light energy, therefore any imbalance in our own lives or society will start to find equilibrium.

A purging or unearthing will take place so that anything that has held back can be acknowledged, processed and released. When these things are brought to light the current energy will assist in providing acceptance, understanding and forgiveness and all karmic attachments to the situation will naturally dissipate.

The equinox is the optimum time to head out to nature to set intentions and give gratitude for the energy of Mother Earth, the moon, and the sun.

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