"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - 07.03.2022


Please take what resonates and discard the rest.

7-31 MARCH:

In ‘Bigger Picture’ terms. this remaining period of March shall bring forth (ultimately) a human test of ‘faith’. Or for others a turn TO faith. Or for others, a calm, steadfastness OF their faith.
For the remaining days of March shall present either individual/personal or collective scenarios that ‘could’ be described as an increased INTENSITY. The HUMAN Intensity is by nature a consequence within the human, of the INCOMING ENERGIES, which are creating an increased OSCILLATION within our human cells. BUT…people across the world will react differently to this increase. It is having the effect of an INCREASE to our physical TIREDNESS where FAR MORE sleep is required, the easiest way of integrating the increasing energies. But it also creates a HEIGHTENED SENSITIVITY within EACH human, and therefore for the majority of humanity, an increase to their REACTIONS…be that a personal/individual event OR human reaction to worldwide events, I’ll just mention that this STILL is part of the ‘Pre-Wave’ energies I’ve recently explained we are all IN.

The most empowering thing for anyone to remember is, it is HOW we REACT to what presents to us in our reality that matters, and ultimately empowers us. There are infinite ways to react to either personal scenes/creations or worldwide scenes/creations. Where each reaction AND ACTION are based on individual conscious perception. To stay in grace, peace and harmony, always try to see past what presents in your reality, and look for the HIGHEST or ‘Bigger Picture’ perception. See way beyond what presents in the reality.

Although it may seem a hard month remaining, it will have the effect of moving more of humanity into FAITH, the turning to God, or the seeking of God WITHIN.

It’s a huge timeline, so just find comfort in knowing you are not in this alone. We are in this as ONE. EVERYONE in this world, no matter awake or asleep, no matter their degree of CONSCIOUSNESS embodied so far, is being pushed INTO the great UNKNOWN EVEN MORE!!!…and that unknowing, is where TRUE FAITH, creates the difference… between GRACE, CALM, PEACE OR a reaction or actions taken based in FEARFULNESS. If fear arises, to simply look at that gently with love, and dissolve the fears that are a belief system or programmed behaviour. For in Highest Truth, there is literally NOTHING to fear. Nothing…

When the world becomes increasingly NOISY, peace and calm comes from the innate QUIETNESS each have WITHIN. Therein lies your never ending strength…to BE, AND then act from.

Biggest hug

Always with love,
Amanda Lorence
7 March 2022

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