"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - 30.03.2022


Too much being realised and impossible to condense into a single post. So apologies if this post causes any confusion.


Will of course be different for all. Some examples across the globe would be:
The intensity of the mental mind.
Emotional increase or overload.
Confusion (of the mind).
Physically intense on the body.
Increase of esoteric data,
Increase to dream activity and dream connections,

Magnetism felt, of energetic consciousness embodiment (leaving the personality).
WHAT we choose to give attention to creates our own reality. The power of our choice and the rabbit holes the mind likes to go down. So to help, notice what you are choosing. Noticing what you give your time and energy to. To master (over-ride) the human mind. Balance your time wisely.


To allow ourselves to FLOAT upon the Magnetic Ocean of Liquid Plasma Light that is there for everyone to traverse at their own WILL, their own timing. The Ocean I speak of is MAGNETIC, and it’s magnetically drawing ITSelf (therefore ‘YOU’) back to ITSelf at higher and higher speed and vibrations whilst simultaneously expanding ITSelf. So to simply allow yourself to float… allowing the continuously heightening waves of vibrations to take YOU effortlessly on your unique journeying. In other words, let the personality get out of the way. In personality ‘mind’, everything is questions, struggles, judgements, resistance, which is creating UNCONSCIOUSLY, MORE suffering. Suffering is a ‘HUMANISED’ experience we come out of.
To hold on to anything, is a fear-based form of control from the human mind personality. And if a ‘Seeker’, is like trying to GRASP the Ocean’s Waters in your hands. The fear of losing something from a FAST dissolving perception and experience of ‘reality’ (illusion). There is nothing to grasp (lose), and everything to remember (find more of). ‘Suffering’ is only experienced AS the personality when tuned IN, dialled INTO your personality mode. There is no suffering as Consciousness embodied.


Some are at the embodiment stage of letting go of the personality. Personality is what gives us an identity, that we identify FROM, in order to experience the illusion as IF we are or were HUMAN. At certain stage, the personality begins to dissolve. We experience this over a linear time period IN ORDER TO experience the letting go of the personality, which in turn means we identify less and less with ANYTHING the personality previously identified with. Including the experience of misidentifying with our own personality!!! Personality, is part of this experience of the mind, THINKING (lol) we are human. Identifying with being human. Which is entirely linked to the linear mind, which in turn links to our thoughts…of identifying. And thus creating from the mind.

When you experience letting go of the personality, a simultaneous experience occurs:
As personality dissolves, CONSCIOUSNESS embodies more and more, as it wishes to become Consciousness, remembered, operating a physical body. That consciousness is non-linear, outside of time and space. Outside of the solid world. Yet will utilise the physical body in this physical plane of condensed light. Consciousness embodies more and more, the more we let go of personality. But The Consciousness embodied, will not be IN the body.

Wherever we are on our path…In allowing the Greater Flow, at FIRST floating upon the Ocean, that is drawing you IN, you then surrender to the Divine Plan you understood before entry to Earth. You will, step by step, BECOME The Ocean. The Oneness with ALL. Only then will your next lighted design unpackage for YOU. Hence we DO lose the 3D/4D personality and it’s identity. As the 5D Lighted Design does not operate by the same LIGHT LAWS as 3D and 4D Light Planes.

Your next ‘Lighted Design’ OR as I label it, ‘CRYSTALINE Programme’ (as it is made of Light Crystal, and contains your ‘timeline’ coded data), awaits you; it awaits each persons WILL to let go of your previous version experienced… as it completes for YOU, by YOU, in your unique and perfectly timed Lighted Design. Your light design is perfect, so have faith. And if in doubt, doubt is just a moment where you dropped out of faith of ALL that you truly are. You are NOT your personality, you just experienced it for a good while, until it’s time to embody full conscious awareness.

Please only take what resonates, and discard if it doesn’t. It’s just my way of supporting all, for the past 7 years, until my Lighted Design changes (as I was shown it would) and then I will support in other ways that I’m still in the process of embodying.

Never Ending Love,
Amanda Lorence
30 March 2022

Q: Can you talk a bit more on what it means for Consciousness to be embodied....but not In the body?
A: what we label or call ascension is in few words the merging of our physical body, with the soul, via the heart. Where our mind upgrades more and more. We end up utilising more of the brain, that is at one with the heart, body and soul. Therefore your body experiences are a result of heightened hertz frequency which allows us to change into a higher frequency light CRYSTALINE body structure (more light) and mind, merged with the soul. Your consciousness was always outside of the body. But we had the ‘experience’ of feeling it was inside of the body. Because of the design that specifically allowed for an experience of disconnection. But in truth, our consciousness was/is always residing outside of time and space. As light. Light is intelligence. πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’š

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