The last weekend of April is here and Mercury retrograde is finally over. While Mercury likes to dance backwards, it likes to open the closets hiding the skeletons of the past. It's not just communication and attention that tend to go astray, but either we or someone from the past comes back at this time. A dear old friend came back to me, who said goodbye last year to go his own way. It was a pleasant surprise, and we quickly catch up with each other.
In the last week's weekend vibezz, I already wrote about this "desert sand", which is increasingly common over Europe, but this week on the 23rd, Greece was resplendent in apocalyptic colours, creating an ideal atmosphere for a doomsday movie or even a fake Martian photo. According to the media, a large mass of North Africa’s "Sahara sand" covered the country, especially Athens, and many people complained of breathing problems and strange smell in the air - like chemical.
If this is really Sahara dust - sand, why isn't the sky like this in desert countries? The dust causes breathing problems, but it has no chemical smell. Maybe something else is causing it? According to my own observations, it is an unusual dust, almost like a face powder or chalk powder and its colour is more clayey.
We know that countries' governments love to play god and have a long history of influencing the weather. It is now publicly recognized that they can turn clouds into rain clouds with chemicals (salt flares - silver iodide, potassium iodide, salt) and electrochromic discharges ( electric charges, infrared laser pulses). We also witnessed this weather manipulation attempt in the United Arab Emirates, when cloud formation caused heavy rain and flood on April 16.
Silver iodide - Agl 47 - It is a photosensitive solid used in photography, as an antiseptic in medicine, and in rainmaking. Yellow powder. According to the internet, the safety classification of this substance is environmental hazard, i.e. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effect. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Silver-iodide
Potassium iodide - KI - a crystalline salt used in photography and radiation treatments. An important source of iodide. KI can turn yellow under the influence of heat or light, or when left in moist air for a long time, because the iodide is oxidized to iodine. KI can cause harmful health effects. Also irritant, health and environmental hazard.
The biggest problem is that they spray - Chemtrailing - shooting the sky with various harmful substances and it falls in any form within a period of time. We inhale these substances, these are seep into our water and land, and we consume them. Therefore, we are not only making the environment sick, but also ourselves. Let's think about why there are so many diseases in the age of "modern medicine" - especially cancer, tumours, Alzheimer etc. especially in the last 10-20 years.
Nature - Gaia - always strives for balance, but this balance is very fragile, especially if it is artificially manipulated and can cause extreme swings that not only pose a danger to nature but also to people. Man's intervention in natural processes has always led to serious problems, especially in today's modern times.
The media, paid scientists and the elite all blame the average citizen for the "global warming" that has developed, thus taking billions out of our pockets, playing god and the saviour, thus ruining the homeland of humanity. They know what the truth is, what the real reason is, but knowledge is power and therefore humanity is still controlled by false information.
Weather manipulation is used not only to create rain, snow or heat in their own country, but unfortunately also to manipulate other countries through weather for any political, military cause.
How much power is concentrated in a few hands over a country, a continent or the whole earth. While one country or continent thrives, I can cause harm to countries that disagree with them for whatever reason. For example - Operation Popeye.
Not only they can wipe out the sun from the sky with the help of the chemtrail, but they can also cause droughts, floods, earthquakes, and forest fires with their technology. In essence, this allows them to extend complete control and arbitrariness over the entire planet.
These "people" will do anything for power and control. You might think "why do they do it, since we all live under the same sky?", well, while we sit in the problem caused by them and try to live our little lives, they can hide anywhere, in places that the average citizen knows nothing about. If a global catastrophe were to strike, they would be the first to flee, either to another planet or underground.
Why do you think big companies want to buy up water rights? Water is essential for our survival, as our body is also 60-70% water. The human body can survive much longer without food than without water.
Also, what a coincidence that large corporations buy up farmland, make it impossible for farmers to grow food, so these corporations can produce edible products that are completely genetically modified, and they can control the food supply. Or they can keep the land fallow and force the population to eat bugs that our bodies are not used to and cause a lot of irritation and health problems, but then the pharmaceutical industry what they own will offer some solution which will "save" the population. Think about how it feels to be hungry and thirsty. Think about what a person will do to be able to eat, drink and provide these for their children. Yes, everything... Control over basic needs and thus manipulation is one of the greatest acts against humanity...
If we finally stopped interfering with the balance of nature and lived in connection with nature again, after a while order would be restored. But that would take time, as the damage is significant. Just think during the pandemic, while we were confined to our rooms, nature began to take back control and started the rebalancing itself.
Also we should also remember that the pole shift is real and it also has an influence on the natural and climatic changes of our earth. And let's add that the magnetic poles of our sun will also flip (may this year) which also affects the natural behaviour of our Earth.
This is a natural cyclical process and this will happen, probably in our lifetime. The great flood that happens at the pole change is necessary at some point. That will be a reset, cleansing, rebirth.
But until then instead of the billions spent on weather manipulation and military aggression, we should rather support inventors and organizations who have ideas and ready-made plans to make the Earth healthy and clean again. Plastic is one of the biggest problems, for this we need an epoch-making solution that would be able to break it down effectively and replace it with something more environmentally friendly instead of manufacturing plastic.
I believe in team humanity that together we will be able to overcome anything, and that solutions and innovations will be created that will revolutionize our lives to a healthier and happier one.
The idea for this weekend's music was inspired by the orange sky of Athens. The original version is Three Drives - Greece 2000, which conquered Europe at that time, but now I'm sharing the "renew" version.
I wish everyone a nice weekend and a happy week ahead :)