There comes a time and is happening now, when we finally come home to the deepest truth within us, as our Highest Soul Self, realizes, feels, knows only One.
When realization dawns that there never was and has been separation from anyone, anything nor the Sacred Divine Wholiness, ever.
All world religions in truth have only one single piece of understanding of Divinity. When all finally come together in gnosis, true Seeing, there is only One. And so it has been from the beginning and so it shall be forever more.
In my twenties I was invited to join ten day retreat on the original mission station which my ancestors created when they came here to Africa. During this retreat we did intensive study of the Book of Isaiah, and the Dead Sea scrolls. With it we were always taken back to the Urtext, the original text, in the original language, for so many times texts were mistranslated as the translators did not know the many meanings of each letter or symbol within the Urtext. Only on meditating, on each letter and then the word the Holy Shekinah awakens the higher insights and deep knowing of the soul.
I remember how I had a immensely powerful moments of gnosis which changed my life forever: "I have called you, by your name! You are mine." (Isaiah 43: 1 - 7)
What is happening now, is that there will be a mass awakening in souls, like portals of higher knowledge accessed again through souls who now are awakening in even higher degrees and have shifted into the 5th, 7th and access multi-dimensionality again. The truth will be shown. The truth is setting free, as old doctrines fall away and finally the veils of untruths, false teachings, misunderstanding, etc. fall away.
We are in the stage of intense purification, so much so, that we will find ourselves cleaved open to the core truth of our souls, as lower ego dissipates and only Divine unity remains. Thy will and my will are one!
Yes, you reading this, are being called!
Awaken ye!
The Sacred Wholiness is being returned!
Photo://Daniel Holeman
The Divine Law of Gratitude, or being grateful, is one which we tend to forget to apply.
We so often look at the closed doors, at what we do not have, what we believe we are lacking, or wish to have more of, or better, or covert what others have. All of this amplifies the belief of LACK. Of lacking something, someone and this of course, spills over into an ingrained programming and belief in lack, whether this is a belief in lack of money, opportunities, etc.
The Law of Gratitude, is precise. The more grateful you become for what you already have, even the tiniest, the simplest, and truly bless what you have, the more blessings you will attract in your life.
If you wish to have a beautiful home, then become grateful for the home or space you already have. Even having a roof over your head and food on your table, and clothing to wear, is something we so often just take for granted and we forget to say thank you - yet when it is taken away from us, become angry and resentful. Yet, when we had it all, we did not appreciate what we had!
The more grateful we become, for every living moment, the more we will attract more to be grateful of.
The more we appreciate the little things in life, the more bigger things will appear in our lives to be even more grateful of.
This applies not only to things, or objects, or what we own, or have, but overflows into our relationship with ourselves and others.
This applies to all physical ailments we may have, for when every dis-ease in the body, has a hidden message of what we need to dissolve, forgive and let go of in old negative patterns, emotional charges etc. It often draws our attention to the fact that we need to be grateful for our bodies, our lives, our being here on planet earth. How often we forget to be grateful for our bodies, and to bless it and treat is a holy and sacred temple?
This applies to all areas of life and living.
If you wish to attract the new, first become grateful for what you already have, and then you will find that new doors open which you never saw before.
How often do forget to say thank you to our teachers, our guides, for every encounter, and most of all, to those who brought meaning and purpose to our lives, in whatever form or expression this may have been.
It is a good thing, to simply sit down, and then lilt you head back a little as you close your eyes, and then start listing all that you are are grateful for. Carry on, and you will find that more and more appears that you are grateful for. Note how your heart opens, note out your inner eye lights up on your forehead and becomes like the blinding sun! Tears of gratitude flow and inner joy bubbles up and you are ignited from deep within!
More than this, true gratitude, opens the heart and brings inner joy, activaets the Lightness of being.
Let us become grateful for all and everthing and everyone.
Source - FaceBook
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