"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - M class solar flares - 11.07.2023

Dear family, in the last 24 hours three M-Class flares have been generated in two different active regions of the Sun, so you may be feeling dizzy (dizziness and vertigo have been increasing significantly), with pressure or pain in the head, heartburn or upset stomach (may be more intense for those living in the Americas), ringing in the ears or having blocked ears, sensitivity to light and noise, and also feeling the body as if it is electrified which it can make them feel restless or anxious. ☀️💥

This process can spontaneously trigger meditative states, so you may feel disconnected from "reality" or completely disconnected when you are doing something that requires you to focus your attention on something specific, such as driving a car. As our ability to communicate telepathically also increases because the vibration around us facilitates it (as if the power of an invisible WiFi network through which our thoughts travel increases) and because by increasing the electrical impulse in our brain the receiving antenna is tuned, it is It is possible to experience clear and complete telepathic exchanges with other people while we are asleep and still awake. 🪐✨

As the veil of our personality is thinning little by little due to the effect of energy vibrating at higher frequencies and due to the influence of Saturn in Pisces, the truth of who we really are will also be perceived by others without our having to do anything. not say anything Our personality is what we believe about ourselves, the way we define ourselves and how we want to be perceived by others, but that too is going to disappear. Verbal language will always be manipulated by the rational mind and its beliefs, but the Inner Truth (what we really are) is transmitted in silence and automatically, having an unlimited creative effect. 🦋☀️

Stay well hydrated, don't strain your body trying to get it back to "normal", it will find its balance on its own. Sometimes we forget that everything is already different, even though it is not so evident in experience because it has not materialized globally yet, but intuitively we know that there are practices and experiences that are no longer effective because they are no longer necessary. Let your intuition be the only guide for you and please do not fall for unfounded threats in relation to this process, also on the "spiritual" path there are merchants who seek to instill fear and create dependency to profit. No one can know better than you which path you chose and how you designed it, do not doubt yourselves and trust that everything has a greater purpose that will be revealed to you at the right time. The Creative Consciousness (God) always assists those who let themselves be guided. 🙏✨


Source - FaceBook

My Note:
In the last 2 days, the Sun produced 15 solar flares, 10 of which were of M class

The biggest is recently a M.6.97 flare

"This filament eruption yesterday launched a partial halo coronal mass ejection which could arrive early on July 14."
Source - FaceBook

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