"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Hopium-Motivating Song of the Week

 This is a weekly blog series where I try to collect songs that have something positive and current to say. Music connects us all, in good cases it lifts us up, gives us strength and helps us through life's difficulties.

One of the lovely blog reader shared a lot of music in the comments, taking me back to the 90s and my teenage years. At first I thought "hmm some planet is in retrograde again or something", because that's usually when memories of the past come up more often. That's when I remembered this song, my brain started playing the song, which I haven't heard in over fifteen years.

Venus will be retrograde this week, so we will also go back in time in terms of music, we will turn a little inward, riding the wave of nostalgia - keep up the good memories and heal & forget the bad memories. 

For this week, I brought you a song unknown to you and in my native language. Hungarian is considered one of the most beautiful and most difficult languages, a truly explanatory and richly expressive language.

The band's name is Bikini and we can thank them for many popular hits, such as " Részegen ki visz majd haza" ("When I'm drunk, who will take me home?"), which we young people of the 90´s loved to sing on the street at night when we were tipsy or drunken.

Relax, this song is different... it's about the journey - about life - about hope - about loss - about loneliness - about moving forward through uncertainty. We are here now, we don't know what will happen tomorrow or a year from now, how we will get from today to the future we dream of. How much more do we have to persevere, work, give up, change as people and society in order to arrive at a "now" where we want and deserve to live. We can do nothing but trust our path, trust our heart - our guidance, trust Source/God and Not Give Up.

This music appeared when there was a "regime change" in Hungary (it was a longer period, but the most significant was 1989), that is, we "rebelled and broke" with the Russian communist-socialist dictatorship and became the Republic of Hungary. 

I translated the song into English for you - Have a nice week :)

ENGLISH LYRICS of Bikini - Közeli helyeken (At nearby places):

At nearby places,
On hills, on mountains,
In the cavity of gutted stone mines

At nearby places,
On hills, on mountains,
My steps are still echoing

Time is sitting on my neck
The road is running out from under my feet.
I'll go even if I don't want to!
If no one accompanies me on my way.
My face is washed by rain and dried by the wind.
One always hopes for better.
I was made of dust and I will be dust,
I'm afraid I'm going to get lost in the fog.


  1. Wow, they sound pretty good. Really good guitar, and there's melody in the words, though that's the first time I've ever heard Hungarian spoken. I like it. Thank you for sharing it.

  2. Here is one that has a special significance for me, in this incarnation. I hope you enjoy it. 😏

    1. I didn't know this music, but it´s good and the lyrics is great :) Thank you for sharing it :) If you don´t mind, I would like share this song in this post series maybe it will help others too to "move along" in life. Have a great day :)
