"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Beyond the Veil Blog is now 6 years online :)

In other words, the "blog's birthday" was at the end of June, but I forgot... 😢

I was completely busy with my cross stitch gift for my brother, so I could finish it in time before going home to Hungary (failed), and also was a very busy weeks...

But today while cooking in this beautiful 33C heat it popped into my head - blog birthday. Oh really? I looked it up and really...Better late than never...

and why should I celebrate or mention it?

Because this is one of the longest projects in my life that I haven't abandoned forever or for a little while. There were times when I wanted to stop, I didn't see the point in doing it, but I convinced myself that if the information I share or my own posts on the blog helps even one person in any shape or form, then it was worth it and I'm glad that I was able to contribute. 

My higher self informed me a long time ago that it's not the number of views and the money, but "the ripple effect is important" and "it's not the destination that's important, but the journey". 

Well, my blog is also a journey, it changes, just like me. With these new energies and a lot of trauma and shadow work, I notice that I am starting to dare to express my opinion in the big world. Of course, I'm still afraid of being attacked, humiliated, or criticized, but I think that's part of the journey to learn handle it and heal the past experiences.

Most people follow people who can provide intel on what is happening in the world, useful knowledge in the field of energies... and here I am who max can share wisdom what I learned from my life and my observations and vision...or crazy future tech ideas. This is all I can give you at this moment, plus my attention, my time and my answers and if you want my friendship :)

thank you very much for being here and visiting my little place on this "big internet".

since it's blog birthday, I'm going to share one of my favourite songs with you (don't cry, it's not that bad 😅)

Have a great week :)


  1. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cp6mKbRTQY&feature=share

  2. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=8DyziWtkfBw&feature=share
