"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Unity Light Node - 26.07.2023



What is NOW being gifted to the Collective Humanity, is an ENERGETIC OPENING. A LIGHT NODE has been switched ‘on’ so to speak (we have as humanity traversed to it). It’s a POTENTIAL, for each to ALIGN to: UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS.

This happens WITHIN you, as a STAGE in your own evolution of Consciousness. So the Light Node REMAINS switched ‘ON’, for any, or all to align to in their evolving frequency and own timeline.


The STAGES to ENLIGHTENMENT happen TO you, where your human personality will be aligned to seeking IT. There are many stages to embodiment (I am NOT fully Enlightened yet). It is a process, primarily rooted in and chosen by your SOUL. The process is an ALIGNMENT choice of your Soul, your Light Body, your Physical Body, and your desire within the Personality. All want the same. At a human personality level this will show as your devotion, your focus, your time spent in seeking God from within you. God is, and always is within everyone. Although your ‘humanness’ is showing that human devotion, it IS a process beyond the human control. Our consciousness, outside of space and time masterminds our individual process. You as the human personality identity, can only work and focus towards it, step by step, by choices made. IDENTITY, with human personality and any other type of human or non human identity, drops along the journey if you are to become FULLY ENLIGHTENED. At human personality level of mind, the human personality CAN NOT ultimately control the continuous activations that take place within the physical brain and body. The continuous relays of electrical energy and vibrational patterns, that continuously powers up and activates dormant parts the brain and body system. Whilst we as human can not control this, we can align to it, focus on it, do certain things to ALIGN to it, then amplify it, along the journey we devote ourselves to it. Per individual and by degrees, our Soul and our Light Body reacts to our devotion to become Enlightened, to know the Presence of God. God within us all, reacts to that devotion, knowing our frequency in all moments within us. IT seeks to also be known within YOU. When we become Light Body, in that state, we can easily affect our human energy circuitry at will. Consciously so, as embodied Light Body.

There are many stages to full embodiment. Imagine a ladder. Where there are many rungs to that ladder. Now imagine MORE smaller rungs, between each major rung stage. An INDIVIDUAL SHIFT, can be a smaller shift (between 2 sets of major rungs), or a major shift (aligning to a major rung). We each shift, one by one, based on our sustained and rising energy frequency. Simultaneously our body and brain changes and changes, which takes time and is a process. Allowing us to sense as well as interpret HIGHER and HIGHER HERTZ WAVELENGTHS. Each smaller shift and major shift changes our perception. Our state of being. Our humanness opens more and more to consciousness ITSelf. Understanding, seeing, hearing by various degrees per person, what was always there, hidden in plain sight. Where we are participating and contributing ourselves to this shift in consciousness…We are not waiting for ‘something’ to happen outside of us first. Consciousness doesn’t change if always waiting for something to change outside of us first. We are it. It’s us that changes and shifts. One by one. We are here.


During the first 4 years of my own awakening, I was INTENTIONALLY shown some of my own ‘initiations’ (mainly off planet initiations where I was taught about them). Taught and shown, how they work and why we each have them given to us, at the same simultaneous moment of having an actual initiation of CHOICES before me. As we experience a ‘consciousness shift’ within us we will know PERSONALLY at an individual level, what this particular shift is for us. How our own consciousness has changed. The AIM, is to sustain that change and live by it at each stage gifted (in private space of inner thoughts, and in public). Knowing that God, knows all thoughts, words, deeds of us, before we experience them ourselves. Energy is energy. But being human it isn’t always easy to maintain that shift, in every day, within a variable frequency, and multi dimensional world experience. It’s a new STAGE we become accustomed to within us. So, we are given by the GREATER DESIGN, an initiation; a kind of ‘test’ after each consciousness shift we each experience. Followed by another similar initiation, and another. Of the same theme. With the NEW AWARENESS from our shift, will we maintain that NEW awareness, or slip, fall down, based on what our OWN consciousness presents to us, from it’s outside created play/film/movie/ illusional reality? Or will we maintain our new state? Know that it is completely natural, and a part of the loving design, to fall down, and seemingly fail an initiation. We are going to!!!. In order to learn from this, and choose again the next time, the VERY HIGHEST CHOICE, by maintaining our own level of awareness. That’s why we will be presented again with a similar initiation. Some initiations are ‘off planet’, some in Dreamtime. Some we may not as human have conscious awareness of. And many are ‘on planet’ via the solid state illusional reality. Please do not confuse INITIATIONS that are SHIFT RELATED, to simply many presentations in your experience that can trigger you into human reaction. Initiations are about new levels of Consciousness to maintain. I’m talking specifically about SHIFTS of Consciousness Levels as stages of embodiment.

Why do I explain all this? To help you understand, each journey is unique, and uniquely timed PER INDIVIDUAL. Yet we are doing this together as one humanity. Yet we each HAVE our own way. We each have our own timing for the various stages of becoming consciousness ITSelf. We each have, our own initiations. Each at soul level, are here for their very own SOUL reasons. We each have our VERY OWN path. The outer reality IS but a ‘dreaming’ of holographic nature, condensed into lower frequency light form. It’s a projected screen, via your Consciousness, your Light Body and your Soul, and via God. Ultimately it IS God’s dreaming. To become consciously aware of those parts of you. Stage by stage. Along the path, there are many times you will SEE and FEEL it is a holographic reality, for YOU to MASTER consciously, whilst in body. Your own consciousness is already master minding your journey. You are just becoming aware of that. And become that consciousness, connected as your Light Body to your Soul. Connected, there are then higher frequencies to become one with, connected IN, such as…The Holy Spirit/Prana/Life Force. Life Force (Holy Spirit) is necessary to master, have conscious awareness of via your frequency alignment, in order to then go on to experience of the Christ Consciousness State of Awareness.


As we go, as a collective…rising as higher degrees of consciousness, LIGHT NODES of influence to the collective humanity, kingdoms and planet are effectively switched ‘on’. These Light Nodes (I have shared about since 2014) are seen and sensed BEYOND any solid particle reality. They are LIGHT NODES at different and complex vibrations of also data. It is THIS switching ‘on’, that gives EACH, the individual potential to ALIGN to that Light Node, awareness and data. Light Nodes remain switched on for all, to align to in their own frequency. In a world of nearly 8 billion degrees of Consciousness Levels, some will not know, sense, see, that the birthing (light node) of Unity Consciousness is now available. Each would align in stage and frequency to it. Knowing there will be initiations even whilst AWARE of it. EVERYTHING is hidden in plain sight. We see, sense, hear and therefore KNOW, what is hidden, by us individually ALIGNING TO and matching the invitation, the frequency of that Light Node gifts to the collective. This can not be taught, or learnt, it is KNOWN from within you via your state of consciousness. It BECOMES YOUR experience, knowing not everyone in your illusion is experiencing it. From this UNITY that YOU experience within you, your love for yourself is the same as your love for all beings, all life forms. There is no separation in the experience of choosing who to love, and who who not to love. You see the diversity from an inner space of your Eternal Peace. You are at peace with all creation. You may not choose as others choose, you may not think as others think, but you remain SEEING, that ALL IS a part of ONE. A state of consciousness where you experience ALL IS connected. Not just on the outer seeing, but because your INNER STATE of consciousness has changed. Your love is for ALL. Self Love dissolves, evaporates. It’s A STATE of LOVE, with no end or beginning. We have now accessed the UNITY LIGHT NODE, but we are ONLY at the beginning stages of us, experiencing this, in our baby steps, gradually over time…per individual journey.

Please take what resonates and discard the rest. If you share this, please retain the drawing so that others may benefit visually what I explain about the ladder, how we seemingly traverse the solid physical particle photon belt as a collective, and how Light Nodes are beyond any solid reality vibrations. Thank you.

"2 Examples:

1) Taken to Sirius. 5 Sirians greeted me. Presented me with a big very opulent Blue Mansion, as a gift for my daily energy work with Mother Earth in those years. I was told I could live out my life in the blue mansion and everything I desired would be provided to me. That it was all mine. My response was I thanked them, but I didn’t need it. Or want it. That I was just doing what I knew to do with Mother Earth. They smiled at my response which surprised me as I had said NO to their gift. They told me it was an initiation. To see if I would choose material wealth and opulence over my path. They were so then very happy, and placed a blue crystal into my palm, they sat down, and taught me about human time and space and how we don’t use it well and suffer greatly as a result. And they taught other things about their experience and community.

2) I was shown golden light where 3 images were all made of golden light. A golden pyramid, a golden sphere, and a golden feather. I was asked to choose only one. Although I went through the process of understanding each object via my third eye, their energy and ability of each object, I chose straight away with my heart. Then saw the data with my third eye. And felt their energy via sensing. I didn’t know until afterwards, that the initiation WASN’T about choosing an actual object, via third eye knowledge, meanings, energy and powers. It was ACTUALLY about the ABILITY to CHOOSE WITH my higher heart. So not choosing by my third eye, knowledge of the objects, or choosing via intuition, or choosing via my mind which did creep in to interrupt the initiation (thoughts and nerves of making the wrong choice). I chose with my Higher Heart, from Inner Love. The initiation was revealed later, that it was about the ABILITY to choose from my Higher Heart (love) above all other abilities.
I hope that helps in some way. 💜💙💚"



In a recent comment that I now can not find, a person asked in what video do I explain the ‘Shadow’ aspect we each have. Below is the Facebook and Utube link (Utube gives English subtitles that you can change to your own language translation via your own settings).
The Shadow is spoken about at the 38 min 29 second mark of the video. But the whole video is helpful to have greater context and for more shared teachings.

We ALL came in with the two aspects of Light and Shadow and we chose to experience both. SHADOW is just the ‘not seeing’ of the LIGHT. And can also be the ‘Knowing of the Light, but consciously not choosing The Light’. In highest truth, ALL shadow CONTAINS Divine Light. Whether chosen, seen or not. Everything is ultimately made of Light and Vibration.

It is when we are ready to accept our OWN shadow, this can lead to the acceptance of ALL shadow of all things everywhere and the shadow of all beings outside of us within the Duality Field. This can lead further, to the integration and seeing, knowing, that ALL is One. The shadow can be ignored, or denied, or through ignorance not known within us, when we are not yet ready to integrate it as the experience within Duality. Although it’s a tough stage to get through, it’s worth being with however long the stage takes. Not to be rushed.

The Polarity Field is the dance of the opposites. Including Light and Shadow. The clues are within nature, with the shadow cast from LIGHT. Yet it’s the unseen, unaccepted ‘Personality Shadow’ that once integrated, can lead to our living consciousness state evolving OUT of the Duality Field. It still observes shadow within the Duality Field…but from an inner conscious Peace of observing that ALL IS MADE OF LIGHT, seen from OUTSIDE of the Duality Field. Outside of separation.

Facebook Link:

Utube Link:

"It is simple, in that all it takes is honesty of Self, and total acceptance of all shadow; that ALL is you. It’s your game. Yet that is also so so hard for the human to ACCEPT in it’s forgetfulness that IT, the human is ONE…ALL is ONE. Until the Stage comes for you, and you be present with it. Not ignore it 🙏"

With Love,
25 July 2023

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