"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Strong incoming energies - 30.07.2023

Amanda: "This one is so amazing. They all are. But this one is particularly so so so amazing 😁 for us all!!! Utter perfect timing! For us all. Up we gooooo!!! Literally it’s a lifting…a raising of energies. Remember it takes an average of 3 days to integrate these energies into our physical cells. But I’m finding in the last 4-6 months it can take only 2 days. So it’s almost like integration of energy is also speeding up, as we rotate our own spin faster and faster. I do hope Im making sense as I feel as high as a kite on this energy. 💜😂💙"

Jason: "ya destiny cycles and cellular cycles starting to change as we process more data points kinda wild 😊!"

Amanda: " To physically feel your body or head moving or rotating or swaying etc key is to RELAX the body’s muscles. So not be in control of your body muscles. Drop. Then, if you feel vibrations such as the strength of these ones, you will be allowing the vibrations coursing through your body to ACTUALLY MOVE your body. This is you in optimum alignment to your energy flow. Energy moves your body when we drop all control of all the muscles. It’s truly beautiful and amazing to allow this. And if you do it on going as a normal practice, you expand more and receive more energy as your’e effectively saying ‘yes’ to energy."

Amanda: "there can always be PRE-WAVE symptoms. Hours below landing. Often mistaken for the actual landing of incoming waves. I get them sometimes which is how I can study them within me and learn to differentiate the vibrations and patterns over the years from the Pre-Wave symptoms to the actual landing of it. So yes!! "

Source - FaceBook

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