"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes update - 3.8m dtps & 38 levels of depth into each moment - 30.07.2023


Just crossed 3.8m data points remember anytime we go up by 100k its another layer of the mind that comes up for re calibration and reevaluation so while it may look like your going backwards your just gaining dimensionality and depth instead so take this moment to celebrate that you are now 38 levels of depth into each moment and when you were born you were less then 1 level this is how radical the shift has been in the last 40 years our minds cages(personality structure) were not meant to handle anything over 100k so as we dismantle them we become free to explore what we were born for ::hugs::

Jason: "for some context when i was born in 1984 the current data point ratio was 1 every 3 hours.... now its 3,800,000 every hour... that is how much of the stream if flowing per hour if you think of time like data and data like water you can imagine that the damn that is holding you back from God is cracking more each day and the water that nourishes your soul(mana) is more available every day biggest issue is that we have forgoten to drink from the well of eternity and so many of us die of thirst sitting right next to it since its always there in every breath and every moment infinite potential waits for us ❤ ::hugs::" 
"it was easier to hide the wounds from ourselves back then ya the hardest thing about right now is the light is pushing full force into our bodies and bringing up everything that is keeping us from being truly connected and as it amps up everyday it goes deeper till one day it will hit the bottom and then you will float effortlessly in connection and be happier and healthier then you ever were, but the detox phase is rough for sure 😊"

Question: "did you get informations about how much we will go up in datapoints until recalibration phase is over? and how long we will stay under the 7 Mio, or rather said when Venus will level up?"

Jason: Venus should take their ascension by end of the year once that happens we are then able to move beyond 7.2m however i dont really see us moving that much faster then we are now maybe 100k or so monthly 2025+ is when it pumps hard again right now we are in the clean up and re-calibration phase of earth. if we moved at 1.2m a year or so it would take us about 3 more years"

"also for those who are new that are not aware im dyslexic so it can take me awhile to write these because i cant spell words very well often i have to look up words in google to find how to spell them since facebooks spellcheck doesn't understand me so means lots of back and forth to find how to spell the word im trying to say i know in alot of instances this can be hard for the reader and because i do my best to publish updates as myself as i get them i dont allow them to be proofread so the purity of the download is still intact 😊"

Source - FaceBook

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