"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Aluna Joy Yaxkin - silent call to action - 15.07.2023

It feels like there is a real tangible and strong calling and deepening focus, a renewed urgency, that has triggered people into a more committed level of their work for our new world. It feels like a silent call to action we have all heard on some level. We have been waiting for this push from the stalled place we have been in since we entered this cycle in 2012. Passion and purpose is returning in force. It is really exciting to see and feel.

This is the beginning of a new wave of light, filled with new codes for the future. Bridge people, spiritual excavators and future architects will be feeling this push especially strong. It makes me feel we are so much closer to the manifestation of what we have been collectively envisioning.

For those on this mission, this could be causing or triggering some bash-lash in a myriad of ways. One issue I have witnessed is a very subtle mind control tactic that is being used to make us doubt ourselves and our purpose or loose courage to step outside the boundaries of what is considered “normal”. It won’t work, but it is funny that opposing energies keep trying.
Another that seems prevalent at the moment is internet based social media glitches, odd shut downs or shut outs with complicated hoops to jump through to get going again. Let’s face it, you cannot smudge the Internet. Lol. If we are experiencing backlash with our outreaches and communication it means we are being effective! Good work!

All media sources were created to control and dumb down humanity. When we use these same frameworks to reach out and connect and to help wake up humanity it could trigger temporary and frustrating backlash. Consequently there has been a covert campaign to make us feel social media is evil. In itself, it is absolutely neutral. It is what we do with it that makes it either light or dark. How clever we are to allow these technologies to be created in the first place, with no effort on our part, only to flip the intent toward the light by using the very thing that was created to limit us! The Star Elders knew we would find ways to actually use limiting programs to uplift and enlighten! And so we are.

We are on a new roll. If we are not feeling it yet, it is coming. So don’t think you missed the boat. You haven’t. Even if the outer world looks bleak, it isn’t. Our ticket is about to board to a destination that is ever evolving. It is yet another step forward and the reason we came here during this crazy time. We are ready.

((Message and vision influenced by a lack of sleep and sitting in an airport terminal waiting for a delayed flight on the way to Scotland. We gather to listen to the land and the ancients, to give love and scatter our light codes and our hearts into the sites. We will be sending love out to our relations. The journey has begun.))

Photo by Aluna Joy, a doorway in a village at Loch Lomond, Scotland.

Source - FaceBook

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