"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Judith Kusel - truly forgive - 29.08.2023

"The greatest act of love you can give yourself is to truly forgive yourself into the depths of your own heart, soul and being. It is a prerequisite for forgiving others. Yet strangely many souls struggle with this, for they find it easier to forgive others, than forgiving themselves. Yet, until you forgive yourself, you have not dissolved the emotional charges which caused pain and suffering in the first place.

This is called “beating oneself up.” It is as if you wish to keep on punishing yourself for something you have done and said, or acted out, and then repeating this like a mantra, and in the process pulling yourself down. You are indeed your own worst enemy.

We are but on a short journey of soul on earth. And in the process we do interact with other souls, and so often we do make mistakes. Yet, here lies the truth: It is a mistake. It was not the end-all and be-all of all existence!

The great thing about mistakes is when the soul learns something from them, and then tries not to repeat the same mistake again, wiser and more open-hearted and loving. In this way no negative patterns can form with other souls, which often lasted over many lifetimes.

This lifetime and indeed accelerated ascension, means to finally dissolve these patterns, to finally let go of all pain and suffering, and so much of this was self-inflicted through shame, blame and guilt. As long as you play out the victim role in life, you are not empowering yourself. No one can take your power away unless you allow this to happen in some form or another.

When someone pushes your buttons, it is a good thing, to identify exactly what it is that is pushing your buttons the most, and then go and be honest and look within yourself, where you are doing exactly the same – or have done in the past. For other souls are but a mirror onto you. Go back to the time and place where you did exactly the same to someone else, and then look carefully at how that has SERVED them. For instance, it may have actually kicked their butt in gear and they finally did what they needed to do and empowered themselves.

Now go one step further and then look again that whatever it was or is that pushed your buttons and the person who pushed them. And then look at how, by their acting or behavior in this manner, it has SERVED you. Yes, it has served you! It you had no emotional charges somewhere your buttons would not have been pushed. For example, often whatever has been said motivates us to prove them wrong and then we suddenly find momentum to move forward, or to finally claim our own power back, and stop playing acting roles and get real!

When you see how the soul served you, and how you served others by doing exactly the same, you free yourself from illusions and the acting roles you have been playing. Your heart opens and you can forgive them and yourself and feel only unconditional love and gratitude.
More than this, most people only see the dark side, and cannot see the light side, which is equally present. When someone criticizes you, there will always be AT EXACTLY THE SAME TIME, be someone who is supportive and praises you. Go look deeper, who was it that was playing the opposite role?
Love is always present, and never absent and positive and negative as well. They always balance each other out!
Life is not one-sided. It is always both-sided and it is always balanced.
Transcending duality, which we are doing now, means we adopt Clair-seeing, and see both sides of the coin and not just the one side we choose to see and then ignore the other. When you cut a coin in half, it loses its worth. The same applies to a magnet, if you try to cut it in half and throw the negative side away, it simply will not work. It needs both negative and positive poles to function.

We are in the huge moment of soul mastery, where we finally transcend all duality and all separation and alienation, even from ourselves. For indeed self-punishment feeds separation.
It is time to fully embrace yourself as is. Shadow and light.
In truth your soul is pure.
You are not your ego. You are not the personality choose to act out.
You are SOUL.
And the Soul embraces purity and divinity.
Unconditional love.
You can only truly love and accept another soul for who and what they are in truth, when you love and accept your own soul for who and what you are in truth.
All paths lead within.
For the Kingdom of Heaven is indeed within yourself, and not outside!

Judith Kusel
Photo: Beth Budesheim and the Painting Project.
source - facebook

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