"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Re-sharing 3 years old post because again similar of this current timeline - 22.08.2023

Re-sharing 3 years on from this post below. This is again is similar of this current timeline, just we can be different upgraded versions of ourselves from 3 years ago. But as God’s Design, everything spirals around again!

Also to add, the ‘label’ I give below that I name as each’s CRYSTALINE Programme, (from detailed visual data received and shared in 2017), I now recently have more data on. Which aligns to same. Also more data on how the holographic reality is formed behind the scenes at design level. I will do videos at RIGHT TIMING on both. My next video will be on the LIGHT BODY. It’s been feeling time for a few weeks now to share in case it helps your process. But I have more data now, also just recently. We all have diverse styles, influences, timelines and ways we develop, but the fundamental design STAGES (behind the scenes design of God’s design of embodiment), are the same STAGES for everyone. Just different perspectives and styles via the human personality and Soul Journey.
In the meantime, the below post from 3 years IS the same type of period and trajectory we are IN now, ONLY we are Collectively in a HIGHER FREQUENCY POINT of the Spirral of LIGHT NODES.

With Love,
22 August 2023


You have always had your own Crystaline Programme, running within the OVERALL Galactic Timeline we all share. Your own ‘Book’ or ‘Scroll’, within the main Scroll of Life.
The next few weeks IS the timeline for each to focus (if they choose it) on their OWN Book/Scroll/Crystaline Programme, in order to see, feel, hear and expand. In order to show up, for YOU and your own unfoldment.

This is why the 22 Weeks at the Tor came to a perfect closure in alignment with our Universal Galactic Timeline. Because of the next four weeks ahead. There is more to do at the Tor, but not NOW as a Collective. NOW is each’s time to pay attention to their own Timeline, within the Galactic Timeline.

That said, some won’t. Many will seek outside of themselves for clues, answers, information, staying immersed in the dream/illusion. Some will place their attention to outer chaos within the collective illusion. And this too is as it should be. Each taking their very own time and WAY, to come back to their divine power that always lay and unfolds from WITHIN. As within, so without (for everyone).

So, the advice is to go WITHIN, FEEL, see, listen to BALANCED and ZERO POINTED inner guidance FOR YOU! (Balanced inner guidance holds neutrality). And then act from the inner callings each can tap into, that present in the NOW moment. Remember there is a huge difference between IMAGINATION SIGHTS (lower mind) and THIRD EYE SIGHTS (Higher Mind). Some will and do confuse the two. Any DIVINE and PUREST FREQUENCY intel to take action from, will always FEEL amazing, exciting, happy, of childlike wonder, and of course feel of Love. You don’t need lots of intel. FEELING is enough, to ACT from and just follow it through. Divine alignments happen in the NOW moment. So to allow FEELING and a KNOWING to just show up, is enough for more and more to be revealed in the NOW moment. Your acts may involve other people, or they may not. The key is to give yourself YOUR time and YOUR space to FEEL, hear, see, in order to ACT as per your own divine plan unfolding. And others will do the same for themselves. This is how we create, sometimes alone, yet often times with others, as energetic frequency alignments occur within individual diamond facets that bring about alignments with others into the TIME and SPACE, of this physical paradigm. Your balanced ACTS, based on your INNER divine insight (not imagination) and an energetic feeling within your physical body, allows you to hold and expand YOUR INNER power OUT, and then take any divine and pure action in service to All. My acting based on my INNER sight and feeling allows me to do the same. In this way, each hold and expand the power within, and don’t become disempowered by others seeking power over them or seeking to manipulate the thoughts and actions of people within their own outer illusion.

So the next few weeks moving towards September EQUINOX, are about each one’s individual unfoldment and answering our own inner callings. Some will experience a difficult time, others won’t. It’s a vast array, and designed to be so multi-faceted. Some will seek inner sanctum as their growth stage (as their divine highest action), others will meet like SOULS, and play together in the divine innocence and wonder of God, as their highest calling. It will be so very individual and so vast, as the OVER-RESIDING DIVINE PLAN outside of this Galactic Timeline delivers IT’s own expansion of ITSelf.
Please take what resonates and disgard the rest. Love is always the highest answer and so ‘The Way’.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
22 August 2020

source - facebook

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