"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A girl in the Universe - ASCENSION ENERGIES CONTINUING! SOLAR WINDS TOO! - 17.08.2023

These energies today are High Vibrational, and Intense!!
Both NOAA & NASA are saying today is quiet with Solar winds, but our Magnetosphere shares a whole different story.
We have Solar winds pushing over the coronal holes and into the planet.
The big energies are coming in from the darkside of the planet.
These are Ascension Energies that carry not only creation energies but Bliss as well.
You might be feeling a heaviness with these. Like a thick density.
That's because some of the energies coming in are for the ascending humans.
Their energy levels are a bit lower than yours, so the energies can feel odd to you, off even.
These are STRONG, even if you don't normally feel Ascension Symptoms, these might surprise you, and they'll be here all day going into night.
These energies will rise, rise, and pause, then rise some more.
As you're experiencing these, remember to put your self care first.
Taking care of you as you flow through these is the most important thing at this time.
Ascension Symptoms may include:
Limb cramping,
Dry mouth,
Head pressure,
Sore throat,
Stomach issues,
Purging of your system,
Neck and back pains,
Hand cramping,
Easily Triggered,
Birthing pains,
Lower intestinal issues,
Dry Eyes & Blurry Vision.
Lack of Appetite,
Jaw & Tooth pain,
Feeling Hot or Cold randomly,
And so many more.
These Ascension Symptoms are just the tip of what maybe felt.
You might also be on the other end of the spectrum and feel pure Bliss Energies.
As you are finishing the full clearing of your system, whatever needs to be seen to be cleared will show itself to you.
This can appear as triggers, anxiety, or old memories re-emerging for you to experience.
So watch for the signs in these energies.
Please SHINE YOUR LIGHT BRIGHT & STRONG, and everything else will work out around you.
Much love and light Divine Ones!
-SA Smith
source - facebook

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