Dear all, this is what you might be feeling in the physical body in relation to the previous post. The physical body experience is ONLY ONE PART of the entire energetic process we are experiencing. If I'm using an image of the Sun in this post (it's only illustrative) it's because our star is also "RISING". The Sun multiplied its LIGHT a billion times, and although it was already the brightest star in the Universe known so far from a scientific perspective, we are literally living under "another Sun" a billion times brighter, and the Sun is also just a part of this Cosmic process of expansion.

This is the effect on the physical body (symptoms) of the energetic process we are living now that I shared in the previous post (what Amanda wrote). They are not the same, the energetic process is "translated" into different experiences and one of them is the physical body, which I share here. 

- Vibration and/or tremor throughout the body and the sensation of being electrified (vibration has been constant)
- Excessive fatigue, muscle weakness
- Dizziness, vertigo and changes in vision
- Cold (or very hot) hands and feet and with increased sweating
- Stinging pains that last very short time but can be very intense in different parts of the head and in the intestines and lower back
- Desperation, "anxiety" or restlessness/urgency
- Difficulty in controlling body movements
- Heartbeat stronger or "different"
- Pain, pressure, vibration and buzzing in the ears
- Constant hunger but no appetite to eat
- Need for isolation, emotional "disconnection" and mental confusion
- Pain between shoulders (upper back)
- Internal heat waves
- Feeling of moving in slow motion or "under water" (like when walking inside a pond)
- Burning in the lower legs and discomfort in the joints (knees, elbows, cervical and lower back)
Stay well hydrated and don't panic, the body is adapting, it's just energy. Give yourself a massage where you feel more tension, practice mindful breathing and don't resist to integrate it better. 


This image of the Sun is illustrative only, it is digital art not a real image of the Sun.
source - facebook
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