"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A girl in the Universe - Blue Super Moon Tonight - 30.08.2023

If the Ascension energies haven't been enough, we are moving into the effects of a blue supermoon.
16% Bigger than most super full moons, and 8% brighter.
It's the closest supermoon to the planet all year long. Reaching its peak at 9:36 pm EST.
The next super moon of this size doesn't happen until 2025.
Full moons pull on the water on our planet and within your system.
Causing you to be at the mercy of your internal urges, the animalistic you.
Add to that the creation ascension energies rolling in. Plus, the planet transcending while it's teraforming!
Causing you to have a day of raw emotion and upgrades.
Have you heard of Full Moon Fever?
Where it makes the animal within come out?
For you and I, that means you may be triggered to see things left within your system.
Triggers are truly a gift. A way to see things that are still deep within you that still need to be seen, understood, and released.
So keep that in mind as you move through the day.
We also have a possibility of M Class Solar Flares today, too.
I'll also be in later today with a New Video all about these times. Talking about the energies and our ascension, the Clarion Call, and of course the Love Wave.
Remember to hydrate, ground, clear, and listen to YOU.
Everything you truly need is within YOU.


Come along with me as we talk all things ascension. My new video is now up. We go into detail about what's being felt in the energies, the matrix failing, our ascending planet, moving to 5D, and so much more! 
We are right there now where everything is going to change. Join me, and let's discuss it. 

Much love and light,
-SA Smith
source - facebook

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