"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Rapid recalibration process inside and outside - 11.02.2023

What profound frequencies are starting to pulse through onto the planet right now...
This is stirring up so much intensity within our internal Ascension process & accelerating at light speeds!
It feels as though there is a rapid recalibration process happening inside the body & inside the planet happening in tandem with one another....
I'll share a little snippet of my own personal experiences ~ this week I was guided to take some time off. This usually happens when a big process is about to unravel.
It feels like so many old energies from old timelines dropping away or being pulled out from the energy bodies which is having a profound impact on the physical body.
It creates a pressure cooker effect & then a big release, this has been happening in incremental waves for the past week & I'm told that it will continue for a few more day.
There are pockets of density being released out of our energy field & out of the planet its a very symbiotic relationship that's intricately interwoven creating a new light of energy from that alchemical process switching on access to new grid system coming online that we haven't previously had access to before.
Therefore we can be experiencing big core trauma & wounding that's being highlighted so that it can be released...
Themes that include components of blocks & limitations to receiving on all levels love, abundance, unity, good health etc.
This really ties into an internal Masculine & Feminine balancing polarities & unification.
Each time deepen this state of resonance it's an incredibly powerful energy. It's the reclaiming of the Divine essence in the human body & experience.
To be able to access & anchor this we wade through so many deep & profound layers of shedding & healing.
As many of us understand the work is always ongoing each step is incredibly important, transformative, impactful & soul embodiment refining.
It's hitting some of us hard right now on all levels, it's physical, mental, emotional, heart or a combination...
However at the core is energy that is unraveling & making space for the new frequencies that I've just started to feel come through in the most profound way.
As a result experiencing rapid physical healing & profound breakthrough.
Being shown what is possible in real time as to what we've always known on a soul level, it's another to experience it in the human body.
I'm sharing this because I know it's challenging for most & this energy and experience is available for everyone to receive when they are ready & open.
It's such a powerful time of self mastery in action in every movement as we navigate through this accelerated collective Initiations.
Remember who you are, you're an ancient soul with so much wisdom, experience, skills, abilities to call upon Above all else you are an infinite being of love, unity & abundance energy
Radiating out this new frequencies to everyone with so much love & administration for how far we have come in this collective consciousness shift! It's gonna be a little bumpy yet we have all the tools within us!
So much profound times ahead of us, we are certainly all here to witness & experience evolution at it's finest!

Love Alisha BrachΓ©

My Note:

We had yesterday X1.1 Solar Flare + some "minor M class"

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