"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - fear or love - 01.02.2023

Wow you can certainly feel the two very big collective timelines playing out right now....mostlikely many more but you can break it down into simple terms of fear or love
One is very heavy & hard to deal with the overwhelming state of the world & the other feels light, joyful & full of optimism.
When we are moving through big processes within our lives!
There is a tipping point threshold that stands between our current reality & circumstances and the new one that we are moving into!
What happens in this process to move into one timeline/reality to the next one is a testing phase, challenges, facing your fears, purification of old energies.
Its always quite unpleasant & uncomfortable.
Then you move through the birth canal into your new reality.
Many of us went through these big internal processes & moved a huge amount of energy last year as forerunners to open the pathway up!
You can see the similarities of energy & realities now being trickled down into the wider collective experience.
I woke up a few days ago to a message that said clearly "The great reveal is now upon us."
What exactly that means can be anyones guess... Yet I think that will play out in many ways...
As we move through this or witness that in others journey its important to remember to be in alignment first before you support others.
It's a tricky place we are navigating through as we conclude January & move into February 2023!
Not to mention we have the once in 50,000 year comet passing by!
Remember, the bigger the jump in your expansion the bigger contrast you'll notice around you! Things what once worked easily, feel tricky to navigate & just don't flow the same.... I feel many people are being positioned or rerouted in there path so that they can come more fully into themselves.
Transition is always messy
If you're highly sensitive your mostlikely feeling this change in frequency very intense
As light holders on this planet we are continually being asked to walk in truth & authenticity for ourselves first & foremost.
The souls journey's as we go through our own individual breakdowns to breakthroughs
Now it feels like the phase we are entering into is for all of us as a Collective process!
The good thing is if you're reading this you've mostlikely been through many of your own breakdown to breakthroughs to be prepared to navigate this time now
Soul Fragments incorporating, timeline bleed through, working on clearing & shifting timelines.
Feels as though it's a constant occurrence moment to moment while awake & also through dream space.
You can be going through your day as though you don't feel very incorporated within your physical reality. It's that feeling makes you disconnected, tapped out & low on energy. On top of that having lots of emotions, weird random thoughts & actions that are out of character. This is how I see the bleedthrough coming into play. You're multidimensional being and as you feel more attune & sensitive you'll feel more of what happening on other timelines simultaneously.
What's happening is that we are trying to collapse these other timelines so that more of our soul essence can come back into the one reality. When this happens we regain more energy, connection, stronger abilities & clarity of how to make moves forward.
Your dreams can also play a very vital role in this process. As you are more aware of what's taking place in these timelines when you close your eyes and temporarily exit from this experience.
This is a process that if we are aware of we can work with these different strands of reality playing out to consciously close the door & blast it with light!
Remember that no matter how crazy it gets, the internal squeeze that you're feeling is only serving you to become an alchemist of your own personal vibration & reality...
Thank you all for your tireless service to humanity
Connect with me for Energy Support

Alisha BrachΓ©


  1. Message to the blog owner; by L.
    I lost my password to the email account a few days ago .cant log in anymore.sorry

  2. May? i should have stayed longer in the soul connection; i was not scared in any way. I shut it off intentional.IF anyone oversaw it, they may realized that a non starseed (starseed)acessed it. the remaining fraction of lelo isto be credited for that.
