"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - "CONSCIOUSNESS of the Causal Plane" - 14.04.2022


Step by step, through many activation stages, the brain becomes a ‘compatible’ frequency with, your unique CONSCIOUSNESS of the Causal Plane. At that stage, there is no longer ME (the personality identity) and MY CONSCIOUSNESS (of the Causal). So no ‘ME’ and ‘MY’ Consciousness exists.

You then begin to become the STATE of Consciousness FIRST that exists from the Causal Plane. A moment by moment process of adapting to this as your FIRST and PRIMARY state. Where the Personality becomes more a lessor momentary experience instead. Personality identity, necessary for now at times, for the practicality of the solid world realm of physicality and human to human communication, where humanity is still so far, needing to use the human linear languages for communication purposes (for now).

As a daily WAKEFUL state, you experience as CONSCIOUSNESS residing in the Causal Plane, where there is no imagery to see or anything to hear in that state of BEING. Yet your human body can simultaneously SEE and hear and touch the objective world around it. At Consciousness state of the Causal Plane, there is no sight or sound, yet you are the existence as the ALIVENESS of ENERGY without form, aware of the body, and the world around you. Yet your residing STATE OF AWARENESS, is coming from a different PLANE of perception. In other words, as a daily life the Causal Plane becomes PRIMARY, and is experienced BEFORE the Physical Plane humanity is used to experiencing by. It’s like a simultaneous experience of physical plane and non physical plane, yet you, as consciousness experience the CAUSAL state as your PRIMARY STATE of BEING.

Existing simultaneously as the aliveness of consciousness in the Causal plane, beyond time and space, and secondary is the experiencing of the solid world and all that is of the solid world (objects, people etc).

Time and time again, it blows my human mind, how the SUBTLE becomes so utterly HUGE, indeed infinite.
Your own consciousness has been guiding the brain and body all along. It does so in every nano second. But to feel it, allow it to become you, more and more, IS to INTEND to seek in as many moments as you WILL (choose):

BEFORE all LANGUAGES spoken/heard.

To feel beyond any distraction, including that of the Astral plane. For your consciousness that is wishing to become fully integrated with body and mind, is beyond both physical AND astral planes. It resides in the Causal plane, where nothing exists, yet everything exists, as the unmanifested. Simply AS ENERGY in an energetic field that is of infinite design; of ENERGY yet to be made manifest. It is from this plane, that consciousness manifested YOUR body and it’s temporary overlay we call the ‘personality identity’. That allowed for the experience of SEEMINGLY being a human, and SEEMINGLY a separate entity to the unique CONSCIOUSNESS facet you ARE and always have been.

With the WILL of our human mind, the presence of HEART as LOVE, the PRESENCE of God’s Will and Lighted Design Fields, we are bringing Conscious Awareness of the Causal Plane, into the every day wakeful state within a solid reality.

It is FROM that Causal Plane, that CONSCIOUSNESS without body, without brain, beyond time, beyond space, creates and manifests from that CAUSAL Field (plane) of the unmanifested, that is so utterly, blissfully, harmoniously, lovingly ALIVE. In that state of NO form, we are ALIVE as ENERGY.

To EMBODY is a parallel:

It SEEMS to the human personality, that we EMBODY our PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. Yet we WERE THAT consciousness ALL along. Ever present. Experiencing and guiding the human state back to ITSelf. We don’t become a human with a higher state of consciousness. We RETURN to the higher state of consciousness, WAKEFULLY and consciously operating a physical human body and brain processor.

Love sent…I pray you feel this love for you.

Amanda Lorence
14 April 2022

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