"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - 10.04.2022



Since my last short post 5 days ago relating to INCOMING ENERGIES, incoming energies have been continuously HIGH and STRONG for 5 days. Carried within the vibrarional waves is photon light, which is the LIGHT ENCODED, intelligent data.
There is also an increase in ENERGY MAGNETISM that Mother Earth, Kingdoms and Humanity are receiving, to gradually draw all HIGHER in Hertz frequency.

Referring to my last FB Live video, 6 days ago, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDzqRWORoiw) where we shifted TIMELINES on 1st April, many awakened are now MAGNETICALLY making their way back to ‘The Train’ because of this unseen (yet felt) increase in MAGNETISM we are IN. As I said on the FB Live, ‘The Train’ won’t leave the ‘station’ until all that got off ‘The Train’ are back on board. If you are already back on ‘The Train’, awaiting it’s departure, you’ll be unpacking LIGHT DATA, at a relentless degree and speed (Light carries data intelligence). Key is to allow this INCREASED INFLUX of intelligent data to unpackage within you, allowing it’s increased speed of FLOW. To not allow the processor mind to stop that FLOW of increased intelligent data, by switching channels back to the previous ‘mind frequency’ that likes to dissect each piece at a time or distract you. In other words try to not interrupt or stop the FLOW of Light Intelligence (Divine knowledge).

As explained on the FB LIVE, when ‘The Train’ leaves the station, the next train stop is to ‘pick up’ many MANY unawakened who have chosen at soul level, to awaken at that ‘time’. Their journey of awakening will be faster to those that preceded them, due to the increase in Hertz, that allows for an increased spin of photon light within our cellular molecular body/brain.



Will bring IN, quite literally, a SYMPHONY of Vibrations and Light Codes (via our closest Sun). Many will feel the magnetism, taking more back to ‘The Train’. If we stay in our HEARTS, this symphony of ENERGIES we receive this week, will uplift us energetically by HUGE DEGREE. I can’t emphasise the energetic SUPPORT and UPLIFT enough, day by day, for this whole coming week. If we are present to each moment as we go.


Key is to stay with the MOMENTUM the SYMPHONY of Light and Vibrations WILL gift us all. And not be distracted by any ‘reality’ we are leaving. If you are unsure how to not be DISTRACTED, the worldwide INCREASE in ability to FEEL ENERGY allows all to discern what serves them, or not. Where distraction simply places our conscious awareness back into the Mire, where we would experience everything from our Personality/Identity OVERLAY.

My prayer… that each enjoy the SYMPHONY of LIGHT and VIBRATIONS, this coming week. The WAVES of these ENERGETICS will also bring LIGHT CODES (intelligent data) that when unpacked within, will allow you to RE-MEMBER more. For this reason, many will be drawn to QUIET, BEING MODE, experiencing the energies and unpackaging the light codes gifted to them, within their unique lighted design of awakening.

Always with Love,
Amanda Lorence
10 April 2022

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