Today INCOMING ENERGIES increased as expected. We can expect incremental increases most likely each solar day this week.
We had a sudden significant blast that started approx 6hrs ago (2.30pm U.K. time). The vibrational patterns coursing THROUGHOUT the physical body were akin to the ‘simulation’ I experienced in 2014 of a future Event Wave. Whilst the FULL BODY vibrations of multiple PATTERNS were evident today, the FREQUENCY is still NOT high enough for the Event Wave. And this is why the frequencies have to keep going up and up. So that our physical bodies can get accustomed to higher and higher energetic frequencies. In order to withstand the EXTREMELY HIGH FREQUENCIES of the Event Wave. However, no one receives more than their body can withstand. But we are all withstanding more and more.
We can physically be aware of ENERGIES all day, every day, for a few years now. I am focused on INTERACTION, CONNECTION and EXPANSION WITH the energies. And recommend this, rather than just absorb them as there is sooooo much we can GIVE OUT as well as expand ourselves with our energetic abilities. We are interactive WITH everything. Everything waits for YOU to interact with it (God) at a Higher Consciousness level, via your HEART and BREATH.
You can SEE the concentric circles of RAINBOW RAYS visible to the naked eye around the Sun, for those that take an interest in seeing them via sungazing. But for me it’s about interaction with all that is GIVEN. By giving back. Which is also energetic communication backwards and forwards. And so greater connection and expansion is made. However, the main point to this post :
I am this evening seeing a NEW SEQUENCE FORMATION of rays around the Sun. I’m excited as although we’re not there yet, it’s closer to the gaseous looking formation I’ve mentioned many times over the years, will be seen around the Sun, prior to the emission of the one off Event Wave. Where the SIGNAL to the NAKED EYE (not camera photos) will be the GREEN RAY RAINBOW HUE (pale mint green) that will appear DURING a PARTICULAR FORMATION and SEQUENCE of ray colours around the Sun. This evening, I didn’t see this exact sequence of the RAY COLOURS, but I saw the actual FORMATION for the first time, a FORMATION DESIGN I was shown in the simulation in 2014.
It doesn’t matter if a person feels energies or not, or sees light ray formations or not. All that matters is we honour our OWN self, and if wishing to, pay attention to only your OWN vibration and interaction with all things. There is so much we can all do to expand our energetic field, become higher and higher energetic frequency, and GIVE OUT that energetic frequency to ALL. Your energetic frequency is variable in every moment, but key is you can INCREASE it if you wish to. Key is to allow yourself to be YOU, And do your thing. Your way. For YOUR uniqueness is your GIFT, and why you came, and is so utterly precious. Doesn’t very flower deserve to blossom and give of its beauty to ALL?
Sending out so much love,
Amanda Lorence
25 April 2022
Please allow to typos, it’s a part of me to not spell correctly
) x

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