"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - life accelerates on this ascending planet and gains momentum - 05.03.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective : In times when intense energies are prevalent and heightened sensitivity is collectively apparent, turning inward for guidance offers profound and depthful insights. This planetary stage marks a profundity in significant opportunities to prepare self for the incoming changes to transition into higher timelines by setting new short term goals and higher purposeful intentions.

As life accelerates on this ascending planet and gains momentum, it becomes essential to release attachments to the past and connect into a deeper focus on the present moment. By letting go of the old narratives and welcoming in the now and the new , ascending individuals are empowering themselves to shape a brighter future through conscious awareness, living and taking mindful and inspired actions.

establishing clear boundaries with intention and purpose is highly beneficial to creating a solid foundation and structure to develop stability amidst life's dynamics and uncertainties . By taking inventory of self’s higher priorities and commitments, aligning them with their true purpose, individuals will harness their energy more effectively and avoid dispersing it among unfulfilling pursuits.

This introspective process also extends to decluttering the external environment, symbolising the release of stagnant energies and paving the way for new opportunities and internal growth.
developing genuine connections with self and others including the natural world is highlighted as a transformational practice during this phase of inner transformation . Recognising the interconnectedness of all beings and embracing the unity of the universe creates a profound shift in perspective and enables authentic relationships to expand .

By shedding the false masks and ego-driven perceptions, ascending individuals will engage in meaningful interactions that promote mutual understanding and collective well-being.

Starseeds In essence are navigating these energetic shifts and embracing sensitivity as a catalyst for personal evolution that requires a holistic approach one that integrates introspection, boundary-setting, and higher self connection-building.

Through mindful intention and conscious living, you experience the interconnectedness of all life forms as self embarks on a journey of authentic self-discovery and empowerment, leading to transformational and fulfilling experiences in new earth energy .

Trusting in this process and remaining open to ascension changes paves the way for a future aligned with selfs deepest aspirations and highest potential .

Starseeds, spiritually aware individuals with a strong connection to the divine, are old and evolved souls reincarnated on Earth to facilitate its transformation. Equipped with spiritual abilities and gifts like mediumship , energy mastery, healers of all walks , mystics , remote viewers clairvoyance and clairsentients etc . etc Starseeds purpose is to help humanity ascend to higher dimensions and contribute to the planet's spiritual evolution.

As Starseeds navigate their purpose on Earth, it will always be important to them to maintain alignment with their energy frequencies and boundaries, recognising that not all burdens are theirs to carry .

By staying true to themselves and allowing others to meet them at their energetic level, Starseeds will accomplish their purpose and contribute positively to the collective ascension process.

Finding your passion as you ascend involves uncovering your authentic self buried deep beneath societal expectations. Through healing and transformation , past wounds transform into inner core strengths and values , what once seemed disempowering becomes inner mastery and universal wisdom.

Accepting duality and contradictions is part of the ascension journey towards authenticity, wholeness and enlightenment.

Unity consciousness downloads are activating clearings and recalibration in the throat chakra , 3rd eye chakra and crown chakra enhancing alignment with the truth of infinite oneness. As these downloads resonate with the collective, Lightworker vibrations elevate towards love and light,

The alignment process culminates during Pisces Season it is urging inner exploration to heal and rise above denser energies and vibrations . This planetary time offers ideal opportunities for soul expansion and embodiment of unconditional love, with support available for this transformative journey towards self-healing and collective upliftment. The ascending collective hold the key to this profound process.

Trust in the universe's cosmic intelligence to guide us on our journey of self-realisation and ascension. It involves surrendering to the divine timing, embracing challenges as opportunities for higher learning and growth, aligning us with a higher purpose beyond our limited perceptions.

This trust empowers the ascending to navigate setbacks with resilience and adaptability leading to inner peace and serenity. Ultimately Trust becomes a beacon of guiding light towards spiritual fulfillment, and vibrational alignment with the universal flow of Source light creation.

In loving and devoted ascension service
Source information by Ascension LightWorkers

source - facebook

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