"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Kira Sakura - Random Topic - Previous lives and their effects on the present

There are two types of people on earth, some who believe in past lives and some who don't. Some people imagine that after their death they will either go to heaven or hell, and there are those people who believe that after this life on earth, nothingness, eternal death awaits them and they will do everything to live as long as possible.

Some welcome the end, and some fear it. Perhaps the best insight comes from the reports of those who return from the dead (NDE) . What they have in common is that the pain goes away, someone is waiting for them, peace and love surround them, they start to remember and since it is not time for them to leave, they are sent back, and these people do not want to come back here. Many people also experienced leaving the body (OBE), these reports are also really interesting.

If we take these reports as a basis, then we realize that there is life after death, and our life is just a small play on the stage of life and and we didn't just bought tickets for one show. We have a permanent season ticket and have played in many plays and we will play more. As immortal beings of light/energy, births are carefully chosen and planned so that we can experience and learn as much as possible.

To make the example simpler, think about your favourite games, how much you can't wait to try them out and play them. You choose or edit your character, you name it, you choose what class you want to try, then you press the enter and the story starts and you start to discover that fictional world and the story. You complete tasks, face increasingly difficult areas and challenges, gain experience and develop your character. Playing online and with other players makes the game more exciting, you learn to work in teams, they help you as you help others. Then once the game is over, you reach the end of the story, take a break, then start a new one.

The reality is not much different from the game, except that we play in "hardcore" mode, meaning that we have only one life here and now, but not one incarnation. Since we are present in countless timelines, parallel existences and dimensions at the same time, if for some reason we leave this worldly existence, the rest of our "selves" continue their lives in the same way. If we add that there is no past, no future, only the eternal now, then all "past" lives are in fact simultaneous. The mind thinks linearly, that's how we're conditioned - past - present - future, and we often get stuck in this multidimensional and parallel existence, and we haven't even talked about twin souls, where you live twice as many lives in a dual body.

Incarnating on Earth is not an easy task, there are many difficulties, a lot of very heavy and dense energies and a host of entities who do not want you to be here. There are those souls who have just been born here for the first time, those who have only a few previous lives on Earth, and many who have been here many times, almost routine "home comers", yet this is not their home.

Most of the "old souls" have been here since the beginning of Lemuria, Atlantis, and have "shaped" Earth's history through countless incarnations, from one civilization to another, from one era to another.
In each of our lives we have learned and experienced something, whether good or bad. We have been good and bad in every life, we have played every role, we have told every story except this one. The events we have lived through in our past lives are laid on us like a layer, carried from life to life like a big and heavy knapsack. The most difficult ones are the traumas, pains and experiences of the past that we have not yet managed to let go of, and all of this accumulates in our subconscious.

I suppose you also have fears that have no basis in this life, such as fear of heights - falling, drowning, fear of certain animals, or fear of being alone, abandoned, killed, abused, etc. To give you an example of my own, I'm afraid of heights, I have a panic attack, I'm attracted to the abyss, I could fall off in a second, but it have no basis in my life, I've only fallen from the height of my bike, but that's many times. I don't like swimming in deep water either, I've had several drowning dreams, and I've never once in my life sunk or drowned, but I don't swim in rivers. I hate snakes, they give me the creeps, I don't care if they are harmless, useful or poisonous, I don't want to meet one.

In my dreams I sometimes dream about my past life or my parallel life on earth, and I have experienced my own death in my dreams.
I remember to this day, we were planting rice somewhere in Asia, I was behind the others, it was a hot humid weather, I was standing in the muddy warm water, when suddenly a big black snake rose up and slammed into me. The snake's venom worked quickly, I fell into the puddle, I could feel the warm water on my skin, the smell of the muddy water, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster and I couldn't move. No one came to help, they just watched and talked amongst themselves. My vision blurred and then I saw and heard the ECG graph change to a long beep as my heart stopped. I remember my spirit leaving my body and staying in the area for a while. I saw a man crying in a tree hut being comforted by a woman. The man said sadly that it was a pity I was dead, because he would have loved to marry me. I got to know this man, as he was my first love in this life too, the typical "difficult karmic relationship", the karmic lesson of unfulfilled love. The woman who comforted him was none other than his future wife, both in that life and in this one.
This dream - the story of my past life - made me understand things. The funny thing is that my "first love's favourite dish is rice. For being European, his rice consumption rivals that of Asians, although he not really a fan of Asian culture.

Our likes and dislikes tell us a lot about our past lives. They are all a link that binds us to them. Look at what countries you are attracted to, what culture you are interested in, what places make you feel "at home", the feelings you get from a place. Historical periods, architecture, clothing styles, cars, food, poetry, music, famous people, themes. Take a look at your hobbies, lifestyle, skills, dreams and desires. They are all pieces of a puzzle. But they don't always activate at the same time and there will be things and places that make you feel rather neutral and stay that way.

I also have my favourite cultures and places where I feel good, where I feel a kind of peace and home, but there are also those where I would not like to travel, and listening to the language is equivalent to a kind of torture.

Hungary is where I grew up, I was brought up in our culture and customs, yet somehow I don't feel homesick and I'm a "foreigner", although I really like the food, the language, Hungarian creativity and humour. When I first came to Austria for a trip, it felt like the sun had risen in my life. When I went on holiday to the Austrian mountains for the first time, I felt like I was "at home", I fell in love with the wooden houses, although the language doesn't appeal to me at all, but I found one of my favourite foods in return.

When we learned about the Egyptians in history class, I was immediately attracted to the topic, the hieroglyphs, the beautiful (now ruins) temples, pyramids, paintings and figures, and I had the feeling that I "know" and "I was there - I lived there ". Although, in this life, I don't like dust, hot places and today's culture there.
I like "lost", disappeared civilizations, mysterious cases and the "legend" of Atlantis was the first to catch my eye.
I don't like wars, conquests, weapons, but I do like swords, but most of all I like the supernatural powers that a man can possess. My love of tigers, dragons, and spaceships has also been with me for a very long time.

I wasn't interested in Japan at all until I was 18, even though we learned about it in geography and history class. But that changed one day. At that time, Japanese animes were played by a Hungarian channel, after 10 o'clock in the evening, and my younger brother liked to watch them. Since we shared a same room, he always set the alarm clock so that he could watch the next episode of Inuyasha after midnight. I wasn't interested in it, even though I liked cartoons, I was rather angry that I woke up to his alarm clock.
I watched a few moments of the story, but I had the impression that wtf is this. A few days passed and in one of the episodes, Inuyasha and Kagome returned to feudal Japan. Lots of rice fields, small huts, typical Japanese clothes and music. As I was watching the scene forward, something started to move inside me, and then I felt and heard an inner "click", as if something had fallen into place. Nothing has had such a clicking sensation since then.

I started to get interested, I wanted to know more about the country, the culture, the customs, the belief system, the music, everything. I was totally immersed in the subject, reading books and articles, watching videos, learning about their music and language, and I wanted to talk to Japanese people. Everything was so strangely new yet familiar.

But there was also an inexplicable feeling of sadness and grief. All I knew was that I had lost something or someone there. This feeling did not let me rest, it absorbed itself into my everyday life, I could not let go of the feeling. Then one day I had another "past life" dream. They are all very vivid, I relive all the feelings and I know that it all happened. This dream gave me an answer to why I felt what I felt.

I lived in Japan, probably somewhere in the late 1800s or 1900s. I was a gaijin aka a foreigner, and my husband was Japanese. We didn't have an easy life, as many people condemned our marriage, but my husband always stood by me. I heard him when he was giving a speech to a group of Japanese people who were voicing their disapproval, "She is more Japanese at heart than you all together".
I remember our house, upstairs we were lying on the floor in the tatami-covered room, our children slept downstairs in their room. It was one of our last nights together. I could feel the love that flowed between us endlessly. I've never felt that way about anyone in my life, although I've been in love a few times. We understood each other without words, there was a kind of total trust and intimacy between us. That night, he told me that he had to leave soon because "they" didn't like him to being here and being with me. I knew what he was talking about - the invisible forces - that were always trying to prevent us from staying together.
I understood that I had to let him go, I had to take care about our children, who I don't know what kind of life they had, as half-Japanese in an age where they were not seen kindly. My husband died, I don't remember what was the cause, I only remember the funeral, the black car, and his grave, as we stood there and I held our children's little hands.

In addition to this, I have not liked romantic stories since I was a child, and it annoyed me when it ended with a happy ending, because I knew that there was always some tragedy that prevented the two parties from being together in real life. Maybe if I read 3 books that are romantic, although my mother's bookshelf was 99% full of those. But I really liked a book that I have read many times - Gone with the wind. This is the only one and I can't say why - maybe because of the chaotic love story, or because of the main character, or maybe because of the historical period.

When I learned the cause of the sadness and deep grief that had always been hidden within me, it was not easier, but it was no longer a mystery. I know that he is here again in this life and maybe we will meet, but there is already the fear that we will have little time left and we will be separated again. So I still need to heal and let it go. I think, unfortunately, there have been many tragedies or many difficulties in my relationships during my lives, and I know that almost every thread of my lives is somehow connected to Japan.

Our relationships be they friends, lovers, families, all from previous lives - earthly or universe level. We can love or hate people, we can be attracted to someone or, on the contrary, repulsed by that person. We find a common voice very quickly with someone, we vibe together, and there are some people we just can't get along with. We have met all of them, played out a few stories and situations with each of them. Through interactions through these people, we learn something about ourselves and they bring us closer to ourselves.

As shown in my own examples, you can see how consciously or subconsciously the effects of "past lives" are present and how they affect this life. Layer upon layer, and if we throw ourselves into the inner work, sooner or later we get to the core trauma - wound that "infects" our lives.

Many people think of it as karma, I somehow don't like that word. My stepdad once explained karma: if I break someone's jar, my jar will break in some way. I naively said: then the jar manufacturer´s business will flourish.
Karma is actually a balancing act, it is a universal law - balance. Nature and energies also strive for balance. We live in duality - good and bad, two opposite ends of the equation, but the middle point, the balance is between the two, i.e. neutrality. If there is up, there is down, but in between there is the midpoint. All energy and its nature is balance. In our world there is no balance, we have even upset the balance of nature, that's why we are where we are.

In this life, we have to work it all out, let go and tie up loose ends and not only deal with the past, but also with this life. Where we are going, a few steps up in consciousness and dimension, we cannot take these effects and all that goes with it. They won't let a packhorse on the plane.

How can you gain deeper insight into your past lives? Through meditation, dreams, hypnosis, etc. I think as the veil fades the more aware we become, the more we will remember, understand the why, the cause and effect, forgive and let go, to be neutral, because first of all it is a journey and our soul has its own journey and evolution.

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