"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Nicky Hamid - On Breaking through the Mass Hypnosis

On Breaking through the Mass Hypnosis
You have seen the unnatural existence of greed and selfishness, that today's "worn out" society is served up. The manifest “samsara” of modern living and the need to look after self, and survive in isolation, and separation.
The step from fearful or angry victim to compassionate master seems vast and is central to Change, to our Collective Consciousness Shift.
As we awaken from the mass hypnosis we first see the artificial template, we fight the external mirroring of it, we realise what the shadow of its presence is doing to us and acknowledge our full part in taking it on. Then we dissolve/remove it.
The template at this fundamental level is bound within the first, second, and third chakras on survival and protection (fear of loss of power, freedom, Life).
The clear and unshakable knowing that you no longer need to protect yourself from anything is sufficient if you can do it wholeheartedly. Break the Loop of clinging to safety, familiar, false certainty.
The fearlessness of total knowing of your eternal existence and invulnerability to loss of integrity and truth, point to perhaps the ultimate step for HUman. That is the dissolving of every vestige of fear of death or its reality as anything more than a doorway to other realities of experience.
For some, however, you still feel stuck at the point where you see the artificial template and are fighting the external mirroring of it but it seems at every turn there is no way to remove it. This cycle is perpetuated by modern living and therefore not easy to throw off in a practical way.
Wait a minute. This so called “lock down to isolation” is giving you the time and space to do just this …… IF YOU CHOOSE
The shift comes from making a new choice, in any given moment, with any external playing out.
Let us just take what you allow to enter your body as an example. Take it back to self, to you, to your relationship with your body and the present moment. Start from now.
Everything that you eat and drink, breathe in, and Expose yourself to you give praise for. Say your grace in terms of Mother earth, the plant, vegetable, mineral, animal, bird and fish kingdoms. Feel the love of their gift and blend it with your love as a gift to your body to do its work. Take fully in the Light Elixir of our magnificent Sun.
Make the soft and strong intention that your body takes what it needs and releases what does not serve it.
Break the LOOP to the mass psychosis.
Stop listening to the 1001 opinions of others, even though apparently well intentioned, and use your own “uncommon”, common sense.
Listen to your body. If you are unsure use muscle testing for any item to get your body reaction.
No strict eating regimes. Enjoy what you eat and if you do not like it. Don't eat it.
Of course you have your own common sense. You begin to get immediate feelings about what and how much. This is all about building an empowered uplifted relationship with food, our body, our joy (enjoyment), our Selves.
What happens "out there" need not determine what you choose, nor the 1001 voices telling you what is.… that clutter and discombobulate” your mind.
Be aware of all the BS and scare mongering even by well intentioned people, but whenever you think in a disempowering way turn it around to the moment and finding and inventing ways of empowered thinking and action.
Your body will guide you if only you would listen. Talk to it and hear it reply, build a relationship with yourself built on the premise that there is no way you are not OK. That your body really is an aspect of Master Self that reflects both what you have harboured internally that is not your Truth and has the wisdom that is pointing you to WELLNESS in all aspects of embodiment. The body instinctiveness is now modelled on a Divine Blueprint of the new DNA coming on line. It has the instructions for your longevity, perfect health, balance and your immortality.
And for even the simplest tasks of life say out loud to yourself, "Good job" regardless of whether it feels like failure or success. Build the new circuits in you of empowerment.
The same goes for all you experience. For the New template to form it needs your total involvement to fire the new neurons in your frontal lobes. This is how you shift and it does not take too much repetition to become well embedded.
The best way to move from the "negative" is to make energetic progress in what empowers you, thought, word and deed.
Break the LOOP of “doom and gloom”.
Breathe in the LIGHT and ‘Bloom”
Shine On.
I So Love You.

source - facebook

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