"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Nicky Hamid - On the Emotional Chaos of Now

On the Emotional Chaos of Now

So many of you are feeling emotions that are running through you. And you find it demanding tp bring them to check. You swing from one to the other, thoughts can race through your head. They can be triggered apparently through something very trivial, incidental or something clearly out of alignment with your knowing.
The emotions seem unstoppable at times.
You asked for it.
You asked to be here Now, you asked for change, you asked for transformation, you ask for an end to feeling unsafe and disconnected, you asked for "enlightenment” in embodiment.

Now you are getting it and there is no turning back, holding on for dear life, and retaining anything of the "old" matrix of reality or the "self" that you once thought you knew.
Let me put it this way. It was illusion to think there was thought (a "mind") body, and an emotional body that was separate from each other. They are one.

Think of it this way. When you pass a current through a wire you get a magnetic field around that wire- we call it electromagnetic energy. Thoughts are electric, emotions are magnetic, they go together and are not separate.

Every thought you have has an emotional energetic field. A Feeling Field. So obviously as you are letting go of all the old thoughts about life, your world, and most importantly, who you are,
YOU, have to expect all this beautiful energy, in the "form" of emotional experience to be released.

It is being released from the great electro/magnetic impulses of Light and Love coming through our Sun in waves and "upping the magnetics, the frequencies in the body of us all. Shifting the awareness, make available totally new ways of Being, experiencing, and seeing.

And whether it is an easy OR difficult, painful, tumultuous, confusing and chaotic experience of all that is happening to you, lies in Your choice of "trying to control" versus the nondoing (letting go). In the allowing, watching, and loving, versus the old electro/magnetic means of belief and react. Of survival/fear “knee jerk”.

So with the emotions let them play out and embrace the experience allowing yourself the copious tears, and the laughter. And when you are angry, annoyed, frustrated and irritated, appropriately find a place where you can be alone for a minute and say "No", stamp your foot into the ground ("no more allowing anyone or anything to trample on your truth Knowing within") affirm your Loving and powerful Truth into your body.

Watch and experience the emotions playing out through your body as energy, and love it all.
And for heaven sake, GIVE NONE OF IT A STORY.
You are expanding, rising and starting to experience a totally new way of feeling that has no words or labels. And it is all absolutely OK.
There is no way that you ever have been nor ever will be not OK.
I So Love You.

source - facebook

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