"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - This is a heightened planetary phase of releasing and recalibrating into higher self awareness - 28.03.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

This is a heightened planetary phase of releasing and recalibrating into higher self awareness , this ensures your prosperity, and security while on planet earth . Trusting your intuition and feelings as they reveal important truths to the conscious self .

Remaining faithful, loyal , patient, sovereign and focused on your higher purpose here . Avoiding lower conscious conflicts and difficulties, to focus on what you are now creating in new earth energy . Reclaiming your personal power and seeking support from higher conscious sources if needed this will assist you in staying in alignment with your purpose filled intentions.

The Universe will quickly shift in your favour once you decide clearly your higher self intentions and visions, as your prayers of what you consciously want to manifest are heard this will set the course for creating your new reality here in new earth energy .

Being clear with your intentions and decisions will act as important catalysts to move you forward without looking back. Consciously committing to your path and trusting in the Higher self to now direct the unfolding of your highest outcomes.

The current energy is intense due to the recent powerful Super Full Moon and lunar eclipse , If you have been feeling unsettled or more erratic than usual it is due to the heightened planetary energies. Paying attention to what is emerging or leaving in life until April 8th this will be a Major significant event that will take place on earth leading to many revelations, unexpected events and resolutions, new beginnings are on the horizon for the ascending and for this planet .

Preparing self for the ascension opportunities and encounters as destiny starts to unfold. Expecting important changes and upgrades during this transformatinal phase . the journey you are undertaking is like no other in human life , you are on the very brink of personal evolutionary ascension stages in the new version of self .

The Solar flares emitting into earths atmosphere are embodying higher light-coded frequencies and this may lead to profound internal shifts and an increased awareness of higher consciousness on Earth due to their impact on the ascending human DNA. It is beneficial to stay grounded and open to receiving and integrating these intense energies for personal ascension and collective evolution.

The Cosmic energies at play on earth carries the most intense energy this planet has experienced to date , indicating that significant developments are on the horizon leading up to April 8th. Paying closer attention to emerging changes as well as departures during this time .

A planetary climax and important manifestations are nearing. Expect transformational ascension shifts and new beginnings as destiny unfolds its course. Preparing the ascending self for noteworthy changes and advancements as you journey forward towards the next Eclipse window.

During the journey of your spiritual ascension, uncertainty , fear , anxiety and the desire for security will often arise. As we transition into this new planetary energy, a time comes when we must trust even in uncertainty and surrender completely to the higher self .

Many ascending have felt unsure about the next course of action to take , the linear mind will always want to feel secure on all levels to ensure protection and stability while ascending in new Earth energy , there will be a time on the path where we are called to trust even when things appear unclear , surrendering to the higher self is a game changer as the programmed mind is dismantled fragment by fragment and in all levels and layers as the false beliefs continue to dissolve , in new earth energy living in the now moment is where the point of power truly resides , your higher self loves you like no other and will always want the very best for you here higher self will work consistently and effortlessly for you’re highest good .

Rest can feel challenging when accustomed to focusing on the outer world events and defining the self by mainstream achievements and standards . However, prioritising rest and peace is so important for rejuvenating the nervous system and clearing the cluttered mind, ultimately contributing to your overall well-being and balance as this is key . Remembering that self-worth is not solely determined by doing and productivity but by self love. self-care and inner peace and harmony .

Eclipse Season is a heightened ascension period with the solar eclipse on April 8th together with a (new moon). The increase in Solar flares adds to this planetary intensity. Physical symptoms : headaches, insomnia, nausea , restlessness and body aches, reflux , allergies , skin sensitivities may be experienced due to these energy shifts. Collective purging may also cause others to feel unsettled around you . Those engaged in their shadow work and inner child healing at this time will transcend to higher timelines amidst rapidly shifting their outer reality.

To cope with the ongoing high-frequency energy influx and possible intense restless nights, focusing on self-care practices like eating healthy food, grounding exercises, self-reflection, going for long meditative walks, and basking and soaking in the sun for healing . Prioritising taking care of your human vessel , this will rejuvenate your body and mind during this energetic period.

During heavy activations and energetic shifts, feelings of agitation and fatigue may also arise. Rest is essential as a significant upgrade is underway to prepare for your divine plan here on ascending earth , this opens a gateway for the higher light ascension beings .

The energy being experienced is extremely unique and serves a distinct purpose in preparing you to anchor the upcoming portal with the next Eclipse. substantial changes are ahead as these transformations indicate a significant collective awakening movement.

In Loving and dedicated Ascension service
Source inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers .
source - facebook

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