"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - Mercury Retrograde update in the Pre-Shadow - 22.03.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The planetary energies in 2024 are totally different to any other earth timeline year to date . Mercury Retrograde update in the Pre-Shadow : Ascending individuals are Preparing for Mercury Retrograde from April 1 to 25. We can Expect significant life shifts, including letting go of the past suffering in the human experience template . The pre-shadow phase begins in 24 hours, urging us all to slow down and be consciously mindful.

The upcoming lunar eclipse is bringing in important changes that are now unfolding. Similar to how snakes shed their skins, we are encouraged to release the old to facilitate higher ascension and growth. This is a time to prepare for endings, closures, vibrationally aligned choices, fresh starts, and upcoming celebrations during this transformational Planetary phase.
The current new earth energies can feel extremely intense, with many experiencing ascension symptoms as they undergo important upgrades for a profound shift in physical reality. Those ascending will not all be affected by these changes and are assisting in raising the collective ascension vibration.

As we close the cycle of the elusive Pisces season, we delve deeper into our inner selves. This signifies a profound and sometimes painful rebirth, bringing new insights that will impact The lives and higher purpose of many .

Moving towards the Equinox and Eclipse season, we are welcoming these Earth transformational new energies. The thinning veil represents a time of significant growth, with the month of March being a powerful month for personal development. An optimum time to focus on self love and care remaining open to receiving, and prioritising rest and relaxation during this period.

Ascension symptoms are at an all time high with heightened activity in the crown chakra leading to sensations like tingling sensations , pressure based headaches, migraines . Fatigue or low energy levels , for some excess energy levels. Body aches and pains. Digestive issues , fluctuations in appetite. Emotional ups and downs. Sleep disturbances or vivid and lucid dreams. Heightened sensitivity to sound, light and energy. Feeling disoriented and detached from outer reality. Increased intuition and heightened spiritual awareness, electrical sensations, especially in the crown and third eye areas.

Spiritual gifts and abilities will intensify during the upcoming equinox and eclipse season, potentially unlocking many new and dormant DNA strand abilities.

Masculine energies are rising within amplifying their spiritual attributes , while feminine energies will also see a corresponding increase in their abilities . Crown, third eye, and throat chakras will remain active and open during this time along with experiences of kundalini energy rising through the spine.

Energy levels may fluctuate between motivation and exhaustion, accompanied by extreme thirst, keeping self well hydrated with an increase of fluids . Drinking more water during this intense new earth planetary Stage assists greatly in integrating potent earth energies, if feeling overwhelmed, taking time outdoors in sunlight and nature will help with grounding , integration , realignment and rebalancing.

Minor fractures in Earth's magnetic field have been detected, indicating potential for strong solar and geomagnetic storms. Keeping self informed and preparing for possible disruptions in our planet's magnetic field that have the potential to lead to atmospheric changes and heightened energetic changes in affected regions.

We are moving away from stagnant past patterns, preparing for a significant release from lingering issues. It's time to break free from the hold of the past and confront what may have been avoided . Some ascending may have been facing a prolonged period of inner turmoil that may have been previously avoided .

This is the moment in new earth energy to step out of any lingering darkness . Encouraging signs of improved happiness and abundance are on the horizon, offering a deeper sense of relief. Balancing our time and energy wisely, paying closer attention to ascension details, and engaging in moments of deeper reflection are beneficial now. Despite past challenges, the transformations taking place are leading many towards their destined paths .

In 2024, we will continue to witness karmic retributions unfolding in the realms of 2-3D consciousness in others as truths are revealed on a major and global scale. This unveiling serves to highlight the initiation of karmic restoration within the energies of the New Earth paradigm.

Authentic ascending souls will observe and witness the accountability for past injustices and traumas inflicted upon Starseeds, this is a direct consequence to their low conscious actions onto others and how they have treated sovereign individuals on this ascending planet bringing about a fuller and deeper understanding of these events and consequences on our planet.

The predicted karmic retributions for 2024 exposes individuals operating within 2-3D consciousness , they face consequences for their past actions and choices. This will involve experiencing the effects of their karma, old repeated loops and cycles , mistreatment to others that only had best intentions for them , as Gaia earth strives to consciously balance new energies and resolve unfinished business from the karma of previous lifetimes and experiences.

The unfolding events will lead many now ascending to increased awareness, growth, prosperity and major transformations for all involved. Karmic cycles have ended for many ascending souls , past life dreaming , Stronger connection to higher self / ascension team , increase in strength, endurance , renewal and rebirth.

The upcoming planetary shift will bring to the forefront the dualistic energies present within ourselves and on Earth. In 2024, karma resembles that of a runaway train, It emphasises the importance of personal responsibility and inner transformation.

To witness changes on a global scale, all ascending will undergo individual internal shifts within self consciousness , actions and behaviours. Fear-based frequencies are prevalent on this planet , those ascending are embodying Love frequencies that serve as guiding lights and examples for others on their ascension journey towards higher states of conscious being.

Benevolent energies are expected in April . This is a heightened energetic time for Self Love focus , developing a much stronger sense of self respect , self confidence, self worthiness and self belief , a time to self parent , and self partner . You are your greatest healer and wisest teacher. Trust in all that is now unfolding on this planet and in self for the highest good of all .

In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source inspiration : by Ascension LightWorkers
source - facebook

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