"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - Eclipses are a profound cosmic phenomena - 24.03.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective: As you navigate through transitions activating change, endings, and new beginnings, know that you are now equipped with healing and insights that empower you to move through this phase effortlessly. Prepare to witness the unveiling of mysteries and illusions, representing a major global awakening drawing us much closer into the frequency of divine light.

Embrace the newly activated energies pulsating through you, igniting a profound connection to your soul's purpose and beckoning you to honour your true essence. A deep-seated urge to align with your authentic self will guide you towards significant lifestyle shifts and healthier ways to express and release emotions, transcending impulsive reactions.

During this transformative new earth stage karmic cycles and patterns are undergoing drastic shifts or completions. Past life, family, and childhood karmic wounds may also resurface, presenting you with many opportunities to fully release and heal. the profound healing energies that surround you now are supporting ascending individuals to navigate through this phase of intense personal and spiritual development .

Eclipses are a profound cosmic phenomena, That hold immense significance in astrological and spiritual realms. Reminding all ascending that everything is occuring for the highest good of self and all . These celestial occurrences stand as the pinnacle of annual transits, acting as portals to higher dimensions.

Their divine purpose is to create a higher vibrational energetic space that accelerates cosmic recalibration and destined metamorphosis. In their essence, eclipses also catalyse the unfolding of fateful events, bringing in a surge of higher energy that brings in profound shifts in the fabric of our existence.

This next Eclipse on the 25th of March represents a significant juncture in time, where the universe will orchestrate many unexpected events and opportunities, compelling swift decision-making and serving as a catalyst for profound change. Within their cosmic realms this next eclipse will serve to clear and intertwine timelines, harmonising past, present, and future to propel ascending individuals and the collective towards a new paradigm of authentic being.

Through their disruptive yet enlightening influence, the next 2 eclipses will guide many Ascending towards a much higher state of Conscious awareness and being, beckoning all of us to embrace the transformational power of these celestial forces now at play .

In this new ascension season and chapter the focus shifts towards connecting with genuine souls on a path of true healing and authenticity. Whether in business partnerships, friendships, or relationships, the emphasis is on aligning with individuals dedicated to their inner growth work emotional maturity, and pursuing their divine purpose.

This next stage of the journey transcends mere surface-level connections, it is about finding others who aspire to authentically Ascend and are committed to their personal evolution.

Gone are the days of seeking external validation or striving to embody an idealised image of how success should look like , Instead, the focus now lays in developing genuine connections based in vibrational alignment, authenticity, commitment, and loyalty. Recognising your inherent worth and value and the depth of your reflected inner work, Many ascending are now raising their standards and surrounding the self with those who resonate with the soul's journey.

Commonly reported Starseed Ascension Symptoms have included flu-like symptoms, waves of nausea, third eye pressure, headaches, body aches, dizziness, digestive issues difficulty balancing, extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances, heightened emotions, dull headaches, accelerated dehydration, and back/kidney pains, as well as continued third eye pressure and sinus issues. It is advised to prioritise self-care during this process.

Embracing this transformative shift means stepping into a space where mediocrity has no place, and the pursuit of exceptional connections becomes non-negotiable. By upholding these higher standards in self , you are able to create a fertile ground for enhanced consciousness , mutual support, and a collective shared purpose, connecting with those that nourish the elevating spirit to elevate the collective consciousness.

Starseed activations are now unfolding at a rapid and an unprecedented pace, catalysing a new era unlike anything witnessed in our solar system. The Love Revolution of New Earth is taking shape as we collectively embrace living from the heart space with increasing ease and grace. Within our Family of Light, a shared consciousness is emerging, paving the way for a collective shift towards multidimensional existence.

As Starseeds awaken to their true essence and purpose, they are aligning with the energies they were destined to embody. It is a moment in time where each ascending individual is called to come online to fully embrace their unique gifts and purpose . The threads of connection among Starseeds are weaving a tapestry of unity and higher awareness, propelling us towards a reality where multidimensional living is not only possible but absolutely inevitable.

This cosmic awakening marks a pivotal juncture in our evolution, as we stand on the threshold of a brand new earth paradigm one characterised by unity, unconditional love, and expanded consciousness. Embrace this moment, for it is your time to shine Starseed , to contribute your expanding light to the collective experience of planetary and cosmic evolution.

Eclipses have the power to unveil what is out of alignment and in need of change, revealing truths through revelations. While they may introduce chaotic energy and unexpected events, eclipses will always offer significant opportunities for deeper healing, clearing old energies, clearing stagnation to start afresh and anew. Physical changes during and after eclipses will accelerate personal transformation, marking the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.

In loving and dedicated Ascension service
Source Inspiration by : Ascension LightWorkers .
source - facebook

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