"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - Symptoms of Incoming energy - 04.07.2023

Dear family, this is a post for the comers and also a reminder regarding fitness adjustment for those not so new here. I'm going to try to summarize it so it's not too long.

- Physical symptoms are cyclic. They come and go for periods of time (a few hours or minutes), and they start and end suddenly and for no apparent reason. They do not intensify for more than 4 hours or last for more than 2-3 days.
- They are almost always accompanied by very vivid dreams, information downloads, restlessness, mood changes, light sensitivity, noise intolerance and need to isolate.
- They are not related to each other, for example they can feel pressure and tingling in the forehead (Third Eye), swelling in the stomach and heat in the plants of the feet at the same time.
- They decrease significantly after taking a bath and when the sun is hidden even though the next day the opposite happens and become more intense during the night. Medications don't work, and sometimes they cause the opposite effect.
- It is extremely rare for a symptom to reach the point of being incapable. If you have very intense pain, bleeding, high fever, or loss of consciousness, you better seek medical care to make sure all is well.
- Regardless of the effect of Energy itself, solar activity regulates the production of hormones in our glands so there may be passenger hormone imbalances (it may affect the menstrual cycle in women).

Symptoms of Incoming Cosmic Radiation :

- Anxiety / Panic Attacks. Our rational mind interprets the sudden increase in vibrational frequency as “threatens”. Not a real threat, but I interpret it this way because it's a survival mechanism.
- Feeling that we are being rocked or pushed to one side or the other.
- loss of balance
- High tide / Vertigo
- Difficulty in focusing the sight
- Pressure in the Crown Chakra and Third Eye (multiple sensations in the head)
- Pain in the bones of the face
- Stronger heart beat
- Nausea or upset stomach
- Vibration throughout the body or tremor in the legs and arms (the Nervous System is overloaded because it is conveying a greater amount of energy in the form of electrical impulse).
- Excessive hunger and sudden thirst.
- Partial chills or goosebumps.

Symptoms of Solar Flare and/or Geomagnetic Storm :

- Fatigue, fatigue and muscle weakness.
- Mareo, feeling of being like "drugs" or "drunk".
- Multiple brain sensations (headache), upper body tension.
- Buzzing, tones or fluttering in the ears, dry or irritated eyes, difficulty in focusing eyes, sensitivity to light and increased sensitivity to the senses.
- Stomach burn, indigestion and intolerances or temporary food allergies.
- Pressure or pain in the chest, palpitations, double heartbeat (extrasystols), accelerated heart beat that lasts only a few minutes and passes.
-Mental confusion, short-term memory loss, difficulty concentrating and the feeling of being in two "dimensions" simultaneously. Vivid and/or lucid dreams, downloads of information, synchronicities and increased intuition. telepathy and empathy at a distance.
- Burning on the skin, lips and temporary rashes.
- Emotional sensitivity, mood swings and waves of unconditional Love.
- Need more sleep or insomnia.
- Inflammation of the mucus, slight increase in blood pressure and symptoms of "energy flu" (transparent nasal flow, body discomfort, tears).
*If a Geomagnetic Storm lasts for more than 24 hours or is very strong it can cause pain in all teeth and broken teeth.

Symptoms in the lower body: burning and/or heat in the plants of the feet, burning in the calves, lower back and hip pain, movement and bowel noise, symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, stinging muscle pains and rising internal heat (looking like a yawn), is the second entry of the same energy by the Root chakra. Many people attribute these symptoms to Schumann Resonance, but Schumann ResOnance is a compound index that reflects electromagnetic activity between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere, so by the time a peak appears on the graph our body already felt it all.

Symptoms are also felt by children and animals, albeit with less intensity. The purpose of this page is that you do not fear or worry about your physical body, our body has its own intelligence to adapt and you only need to calm down breathing, drink lots of water, rest as much as you can and do what your intuition tells you because it is the way your body tells you what it needs to maintain its molecular balance (sometimes it will ask for heavier foods and others nothing but water). Keep in mind that if you focus on the physical body adaptation process in a negative way, with fear or rejection (yes, it can be exhausting, but it is temporary), you will create greater resistance and take you longer to adapt.

Write in the comments of this post the questions you have in relation to physical symptoms that I haven't answered already and I'll answer those that may be helpful to everyone.


Source - FaceBook

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