We are now at 2300 which is a +100 to baseline, this will keep happening so just do your best to handle whats in front of you and know most likely we will end up in some backlog for a bit but its not the end of the world and this phase for humanity will pass very soon

Understanding Backlog
Every hour your handed a shoe box inside the shoe box is puzzle pieces, there is infinite puzzles your working on as your an immortal being so not always the pieces to the puzzle your focused on, so you process through the pieces as fast as you can. if you process through all the pieces prior to next box handed there is no backlog, however in influxes you get more boxes per hour then usual. so for instance humanity was originally designed to handle 1 box every 3 hours if there was 0 resistance.
we are now being asked to process ___ boxes every hour naturally and how many ever extra boxes an hour in the influx, so today's influx is ___ extra boxes an hour
so as you can see the influxes give you much needed pieces to the puzzle but for many they just go into backlog and even further into overwhelm because they cant process the boxes fast enough which leads to sickness and fatigue and eventually stress
So how do we speed up the process? good question the quickest way is through blessing everything that enters our body to keep it lighter so we can process faster, second is by staying present longer this means being aware of each action or movement we take in life and the 3rd and final one which is a masters journey is to observe triggers and choose to respond verses react
as we do all these things we find the backlog ceases to be a thing and we unlock more of our omni dimensional selves which allows for faster processing speed and greater expansion
as we unlock more of our omni dimensional selves we begin to solve reality faster and faster until eventually we pull in other aspects of ourselves from other lifetimes to solve, this is when you begin the immortal journey and start what i consider enlightenment. this is where the game becomes very fun and your perspective enhances beyond that of just this life so very little has inherit value and all is play.
Original Post:
1:41 minute video clip about Quick Backlog Clearing
Close your eyes, going into your spiritual mansion, whichever room where you are at now, look around.
You´ll see 2 or 3 doors - go through the first door that feels called to go.
Go in that room, and every box that you see, everything that you see that´s taking up any room whatsoever - let it go into the Light of God.
Take the time necessary to let it go all.
What´s gonna happen, you will see more doors appear because you now cleaned that space you´re gonna see more doors, and you gonna keep doing this on this wing for 5 minutes.
5 minutes go this way then either today or tomorrow or the next day you´re gonna come back to that center room that you were in and you will do the same practice through one of the other 2 door.
You can explore your spiritual mansion.
More you know your house inside out, the more you know yourself and more you know yourself and the cleaner you are the faster you will solve things.
It´s that backlog what kills you because then every box that you get past your tipping point cause you get irritated, anxious and sick.
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