If you are highly sensitive, you may be feeling the current energy very strongly, which can make you feel ungrounded, emotionally overwhelmed, or physically drained. You might notice sudden mood swings, trouble focusing, disrupted sleep, or a sense that your body is holding tension or buzzing with energy.
It might be showing up in your body, emotions, thoughts, sleep patterns, or how you connect with others. Everything could feel more intense, stirred up, or unpredictable.
We are still in the energy field of the equinox. This seasonal shift is known for bringing rapid, often surprising changes. Right now, those changes feel amplified. It may feel like everything is accelerating and shifting all at once.
A key indicator of this energetic activity is today's Schumann Resonance spike, which measures the Earth’s natural electromagnetic frequency.
The frequency rose to 76 Hz, far above the typical baseline of 7.83 Hz. This type of spike sends powerful high-frequency waves through the Earth—and through all living systems, including your own.
Just before this surge, there was a seven-hour period with no recorded frequency—a full blackout. These energetic blackouts are often linked to deep vibrational resets.
During these windows of stillness, major energetic shifts can begin quietly beneath the surface, creating space for transformation.
At the same time, the equinox is affecting Earth’s magnetic field. Around this point in the solar cycle, temporary openings called "equinox cracks" form in the magnetosphere. These openings allow more cosmic energy to enter Earth’s atmosphere.
Even without visible solar flares or geomagnetic storms, this cosmic energy can raise the overall energetic intensity in your environment and in your body.
This incoming frequency interacts directly with your energy field. You may feel this interaction as a full-body reset, a wave of emotional release, or as mental and physical overstimulation.
You may be noticing:
Difficulty focusing or staying present
Racing thoughts or mental fog
A sense that time is distorted—either moving too slowly or speeding by
A feeling of disconnection from your usual rhythm or routine
Strong emotions rising without clear reason—grief, sadness, anger, or joy
Increased emotional sensitivity in everyday interactions
Tears coming more easily
A sense that old emotions or memories are surfacing for release
The heart space feeling more open or vulnerable
Head pressure, especially around the crown or forehead
Eye strain, facial tension, or tightness in the temples
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Tingling sensations in the hands, feet, or spine
Shifts in appetite—cravings for grounding foods or aversion to certain tastes
Disrupted sleep—waking between 2–5 a.m., difficulty falling asleep, or emotional dreams
Sudden waves of fatigue or bursts of energy that feel unexplainable
Stronger intuitive messages or gut instincts
Increased synchronicities, such as repeating numbers or meaningful coincidences
A desire to retreat, spend time in nature, or reflect inward
A quiet sense that something new is beginning to form, even if you cannot yet define it
This current energetic wave holds a specific purpose: to awaken and realign your system. Your body, mind, and spirit are actively adjusting to higher frequencies. This process can feel overwhelming at times, but it is part of your natural evolution.
To support yourself during this shift, consider the following:
Drink plenty of water
Prioritize rest, even during the day
Move your body gently—walk, stretch, breathe
Allow emotions to move through without overanalyzing them
Create space for stillness, even if only for a few minutes
You are currently experiencing a profound adjustment. What feels like emotional intensity, exhaustion, or disorientation may actually be a clearing of old patterns and the emergence of a stronger, more aligned version of yourself.
This wave of energy is helping to dissolve what no longer supports your growth. At the same time, it is strengthening the parts of you that are ready to expand.
Even if you do not yet understand what is changing, your system feels it. You are moving through a powerful phase of realignment.
If you feel raw, quiet, wired, creative, emotional, or uncertain—this is a sign that you are fully present with the shift. The Earth is changing its frequency, and you are rising with it.
Let the wave move through you. Your body knows how to adjust. Your energy knows how to integrate. Your spirit knows how to evolve.
source - https://www.facebook.com/alexmylesx
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