"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Update - "When Human PAIN is CHOSEN before LOVE, suffering occurs" - 26.11.2021


When Human PAIN is CHOSEN before LOVE, suffering occurs. Humanity suffers. Humanity has experienced and also witnessed, suffering. When LOVE is chosen BEFORE PAIN, there is the ABSENCE of suffering.
Heal Thy Self first…
And in doing so, humanity HEALS as a Collective Consciousness. A new Era birthed.
Just as the baby that births through the mother:
It takes a very individual and unique moment, to reach ‘ready’ point:
To let go of the past,
Let go of ALL PAIN,
Let go of what the future may or ‘should’(by human mind) look like,
and LEAP, IN UTTER FAITH. The Leap, with only your INNER LOVE, INTO the ONE and ONLY PRESENCE…that awaits EVERY one, that chooses it.
Love is the choice that leads all through each Gateway. Love… is simple. Love…The only ‘real’ part of this illusionary, holographic reality.

With Love,
Amanda Lorence
25 November 2021



‘Suffering’ isn’t something the HUMAN MIND can delete via controlled thought processes. It dissolves naturally, beyond ‘thoughts’, as a STAGE on the Path to Enlightenment. With Love 💜🙏💚

Added Note:
Here, I’m not speaking about any particular moment a human being can suffer. For there can then be another moment and another and another…
What I’m sharing here is that ALL INNER suffering LEAVES our conscious experience, unexpectedly, naturally, without try, force or the minds desire to control.  Where there is just the absence of suffering. It just leaves gently, quietly, subtly, gracefully, as just another STAGE on the path to enlightenment. So another degree of consciousness embodied, the absence within, of the INNER individual experience of suffering. In the absence of suffering there is an even greater degree of compassion and a higher octave of Love felt, and given.

One Love,
Amanda Lorence
26 November 2021

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