"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Geomagnetic Storm in Progress - 06.11.2023

Hey Soul Tribe

Check in with you all & see how everyone is moving through these past few days?
We've had a Geomagnetic Storm moving through since Saturday & still going....
There has been Auras seen in many places around the world

To follow-up with the 'disturbance in the field' message, it's pretty intense right now on all levels. This multidimensional clean up is in full swing!

We are well on our way to the 11.11 Gateway...Seems as though before new energy comes through there is a process of clearing that creates space to create room & welcome it in.
So what has been bubbling up to the surface is very active mental energy, intrusive thoughts, old programs & mental patterns breakdown. High level of anxiety, fear and nervous system working overtime.

When these phases happen I see it as a body of energy that works through our system makes us feel out of sorts

Hyper sensitive to light, sounds, energy, especially of others people who aren't in similar resonance this is very noticeable with their voice tone & how it impacts your body.

This is just temporary as when we are processing lots of energy through our system everything feels amplified more than normal.

This may result in feeling the need to be in solitude & stillness.

The new influx of energy is quite magnificent I've had a few moments of it as it's been coming in! Very subtle yet strong tones of "love frequency"

The colours have been purple, blue & pink

Elevation Training is now available for replay at your own pace learning, giving you all the tools to support your self-mastery during these times: https://cosmicg8way.com/ELEVATION-TRAINING/

Elevate 2 Training commences live on Wednesday night for those who feel called to join: https://cosmicg8way.com/elevate-2-training/

Dream Space:

Has been incredibly busy, there has been lots of different meetings. You might notice seeing a large range of people going from old school friends to current soul family & everyone inbetween. It's heavily focused around people & working together. This is what I've been told in an inbetween state of old & new earth. This is where we are starting to prepare ourselves, to learn & operate in new ways. It's also a space to become familiar with as we will be having this become apart of our awake life. This is to prepare us energetically too our new energy body's acclimatising to this space.

Physical Symptoms:

Lots of focus on the clearing out of the stomach & digestive issues over the past few days. Seems this is how some of us are progressing collective energies in relation to the uncertainty, fear & anxiety.

There has also been lots of aches & pains in the legs & lower back. I associate this when we are being conductors of energy & needing to ground new energy through our bodies, so important to walk outside & connect to the earth.

Pressure in the 3rd Eye & different parts of the head ~ this is due to upgrades to psychic & telepathic abilities.


Feeling really tired & lethargic at times.
Daytime naps & rest for the processing of energy upgrades happening at the body at anytime.
You can feel this as a wave of energy flows in makes your body vibrate or feeling light-headed or disorientated possibly both then shortly after your body assimilates this energy either by needing to rest, sleep or to clear your energies outside in nature.


The distortion & bending of time can be extremely confusing to the logic mind right now as we have no fixed times for a while it seems ~ there is a lot of personal & collective closing down of old timelines which aren't allowed to where we are heading. This brings up so much mental & emotional clearing almost daily.
Then you might glimpse the "light at the end of the tunnel" that moment of clarity & feeling of comfort or bliss.

This is the accessing of your highest potential. It's important to be able to focus on that feeling & draw that into your body. Each day holding space for yourself there a little more each day.
Please add in the comments section below other things that you've been observing or experience. We are all together moving through these times & so much strength united & to help support & validate each other.

Sending much love
Alisha Braché
Free Resources:
source - facebook

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