"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Ego death Stage & higher density influx of light - 17.11.2023

Sharing Paul’s post written in a different style, yet it aligns with the WAYSHOWERS post I made on 2 NOVEMBER of the ‘Ego Death Stage’. My experience of this is more of a dissolving, where the Ego falls away, becomes literally ABSENT, in parallel to the becoming and thus embodiment of the true Divine Self (Consciousness). It is a process…to walk through. At each one’s perfectly designed timing. It is not a thought or concept that the Ego dissolves. It literally does happen within. The Ego is not taken with us, as it is a programme that runs, overpowers and more deeply, sub consciously (without their knowing) controls the Human Avatar, it’s life and sometimes other people. The cause of it’s own mental and emotional suffering, that can also inflict suffering and pain (the Cause and Effect Law) to others outside of itself via it’s thoughts, that lead to words and actions. The strongest of Ego’s will try to fight it’s own dissolving (and fight others outside of itself) for the Ego can only exist and remain within lower frequency Light Layer Paradigms. You will notice that all inner conflict within and all/any outer conflict without, arises from the Ego. And so, we have the desperate attempts of the ego on the world stage, and within humanity to hold on to the Ego, at the SAME time, as the Divine Self is gradually arising one by one within Humanity. Birthing the Higher Frequency State of Consciousness.
With Gratitude to Paul

"The Fall of Atlantis resulted in the lowering of vibrational density to introduce the Soul to emanate existence within the Third Dimensional realm of the Conscious Ego, the domain of the Archon's.

Could humanity reduce frequency to the lowest levels of physical existence, to create multiple lifetimes from the Cave to the Empire to the Individualised Divine Self, so that they might strive to find the Light once again from amongst the depths of Lower Emotional States, Individualised Morals, servitude to the embodied entities of the Sins - and raise our own frequency higher to connect with and join as One with Source Creator through individualised choice.

How long would it take? Which version of civilization would succeed? Who and what would try and oppose the process? What internal movement would need to happen to awaken the God-Self.

We have now reached the final stages of achieving our intended purpose by finding meaning from the Soul's sole intention to emanate Divinity into physical form. Fear is the final barrier to break through and it must be done step by step, one at a time. There is no group fear, shared fear or collective fear but a culmination of millions of individualised fears that become influenced by countless factors of physical living within the perceived constructs of Third Density.

Fear has its foundations deeply routed into lack of knowing what is happening - Fear of the Unknown, where Light becomes Darkness. At any One time, Fear is guarding the Self against an inevitable death that all will go through on Earth, the death of the Ego Self. Whether you seek this within a lifetime or at the end of a lifetime becomes the choice of the individual - but all will find this threshold within your Self at some point and we must also choose to walk on through the door unto Your Self, not knowing the result of reaching the Other side.

The Soul has many many experiences of Death to compare within its multiple lifetimes, but for you, there is only One to face, your Love and Faith in a Divine Intelligence that sustains your conscious existence after death whether on this side of the veil or the Other.

A spiritual life can be combined with a physical life, this is the meaning and purpose of Ascension, but to sustain and maintain it requires sacrifice, dedication and devotion to That which always and in All Ways remains Unknown to you. The very thing you Fear is the very thing you seek to Love - the Creator of All that YOU are.

Whatever book, video, practice, ritual, modality, religion or teaching you may follow, there is only One to connect with and it is through your own heart and mind, for no-one and no-thing else will decide this path for you.

You are blessed and loved beyond knowledge and measure."


With Loving Blessings
Paul Dobree-Carey / Polaris AB

Today, ALL are receiving a HIGHER DENSITY INFLUX, of LIGHT. A beautiful divine gift, IF, the individual chooses to align to it within, VIA the Love within, and the Gratitude


Todays post doesn’t refer to incoming energies of the Sun. So that’s why I used different wording than I typically use within incoming energy posts. This, that has been gifted today, of Higher Density LIGHT (unseen to human eye but very much physically felt as a UNIQUE and different vibration) is a Divine Dispensation. An arrangement of Lighted Design. It’s extremely significant, unique. A direct Divine Dispensation.

With Love always,
17 November 2023

source - facebook

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