"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Update and support - 02.01.2025


Now that we have reached 02 January, I reshare excerpts from previous years sharings as well as one new additional note that is marked ‘Newly added note’. All shared so that you may observe YOUR OWN UNIQUE JOURNEYING within a huge and significant period we have come through, within the Spiral. I share to help you glance back over previous weeks and be present, observing self, during this month of January 2025.


COLLECTIVELY, we NOW enter the PASSAGEWAY PERIOD to 21 December 2024. A collective PERIOD, yet individual as per each’s own spiral, frequency, consciousness stage focus, etc …In a very lose way of putting it, I would describe this Passageway as perhaps an absolute PREPARATION PHASE and deeply magical for some. Yet it could alternatively hold mild OR major struggles for others. It truly depends on one’s own STAGE of embodiment. KEY is to know, that YOUR own CONSCIOUSNESS is always wanting to become FULLY EMBODIED with the body, and will present anything and everything to get you ON BOARD, and OUT of The PERSONALITY OVERLAY that was temporary, AND RUNNING you; a programme, you chose to experience in and by, for a temporary period, that isn’t WHAT you TRULY are. All presented individually, as the final ORGANIC phase of this YEAR draws nearer, heading to SOLSTICE, on the NIGHT of 21 December 2024.

22 DECEMBER 2024:

The 22 December LIGHT PORTAL also presents and stays OPEN for each to enter at their own time, be that this year, next year or any year. It’s a GATEWAY within a LIGHT LAYER that we each enter when we match the SAME hertz frequency that the GATEWAY itself operates at.

22 - 25 DECEMBER every year:

The standing still of Earth, ‘Time’ and of our experiential being.

NEWLY ADDED NOTE FOR 26 - 28 DECEMBER for every year:

A NEW LIGHT NODE POINT reached (as a whole) within the Spiral, of a period of ‘time’ since 26-28 December 2024, and each ONGOING YEAR from now on.

Of the possibility at one’s own divine PRE-DESIGNED timing (meaning it can now occur within the vastness of collective humanity on each one’s own particular designed year for it to occur) of being re-born. This particular ‘Re-Birth’ I am referring to (as the word is used frequently within spirituality so can be quickly misinterpreted as another type of birth) is THE RE-BIRTH STAGE after a very long stage traversing within THE HOLY TRINITY. Simultaneous to being Re-Born, your whole previous programming (that ran the human) ends. I have written of the Holy Trinity stage before which can be read again if you wish. As a side note, within the prior Holy Trinity stage and the Re-Birth stage you are completely guided within you, as well as experience it. So you will know if you are or do enter either of those stages.


23 DECEMBER 2024 - 02 JANUARY 2025:

We ALL ENTERED a type of longer CORRIDOR PERIOD that can seem of great UNKNOWING. This is natural and normal for the COLLECTIVE humanity, aligned to Mother Earth’s Spiral. The highest choice would be to allow any NOT KNOWING, be at peace with it, allow you to FLOW through it. And above all, stay PRESENT in the present moment, in order to assist your FLOW, as opposed to all and any resistance (of the mind), force (of the mind) or any outer distractions that can potentially draw you into distraction of your own journeying. Find your ease of NOT KNOWING. Or resist it, fight it, fight others, force things, and therefore create struggle, due to a lack of inner every day PRESENCE and INNER PEACE.


It’s individual for every being, but if you OBSERVE, and stay present from the date of 02 January (today), you are able to KNOW, what the December Period signified for YOU personally in terms of your spiral and your EMBODIMENT (not your personality life, personality plans or personality will). If you become aware of this, you are then able to see, in a generalised way, your POINT in your OWN Spiral and the general CONSCIOUSNESS STAGES that are to present for your Solar months and Solar year ahead of 2025.

Above all, stay gently and quietly TRUE to your own path, style, way, timings, and state of consciousness. Easily allowing all their own experiences and unique way. Because a lot will unfold in the years ahead. And the passing of ‘time’ will allow for more to be seen, understood and known more easily, one individual human being at a time, during the many years ahead.

With Love now and always,
02 January 2025

12 December 2024 and 12 December 2022

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