"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes Update - circuit 14 & datapoints begin to raise - 19.04.2023


Tomorrow we move out of cruising altitude and begin our ascent this means data points will begin to raise, tomorrow is also circuit 14 which is the first layer of personality this is a critical change to the world stage where we begin to feel the weight of our actions and move out of entity towards beginning to take responsibility and learning who we are in relation to others this is a phase that will change how the world interacts with itself and others be ready for some strong break aways as people who don't want to change leave your life and begin to self destruct this is also the phase where chemical based solutions will begin to become weaker and true energy based solutions will become stronger this next phase will last till Circuit 23 (july28) when we break away from personality and begin to work towards divinity welcome to the ride of lifetimes here we go!!!!!!!!!!!! ::hugs::

Q: Where are we at currently as per data points?
A: 1,300,820 per hour

Q: Jason any idea if we are going to do more of the windows until Nov? and does this mean (going out of cruising altitude) we finished the "repair" of the 2017 timeline thing
A: yeah that is finally done, so we can move forward again holding patterns are always so fun ..
windows will happen as needed to assist the transition

Q: Does this mean the 'train' is leaving the station?
A:  in a matter of speaking yes, we are finally moving forward again no more spinning in circles to keep momentum

Q: Could you give an example of what you ment by chemical and energy based solutions?
A: lots of synthetic stuff isnt going to be working anymore and more vibrational/energetic stuff will.  
Q: does this mean that pharmaceuticals will become less harmful to people ie less so called side effects?
A: more likely more harmful and less effective

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