"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes Updates - 19900 datapoints - 05.05.2022


What an intense ride we have been on we just finished the largest spike about 30mins ago of 2.5k in a single day now we are sitting at 19900 data points total, remember when these major surges occur that proper hydration is key this means not just water but the minerals and vitamins your body needs as well, now lets take a moment and celebrate the template for May is stable the path to November is pretty clear and we are all still alive ::hugs::

PSA (public service announcement)

The Jason you knew and loved is no more in each moment of every day i do my best to face the personality structures that remain to remove them through deep prayer and meditation recently there has been a trend since my post to reach out to tell me your disappointed in the approach i'm taking to life and that you had high hopes for me or that its unethical to support certain people the truth is simple, every moment i learn more of myself i make mistakes just like everyone else i do my best in every moment to be the best available self that i can see but if somewhere along the way you confused me with God or some perfect being this PSA is for you while i am honored you see me that way its simply not true and never will be i am not here to make choices to validate your reality nor am i here to be placed on a pedestal for the perfect self to become i am simply just jason and that is all ill ever be so if this is not enough for you please hit the unfollow and move on with your life and the journey you have chosen that is perfect for you as i will keep being a disappointment to you and your expectations that being said if your working on yourself and my wisdom is supporting you stay and enjoy the show because the next act is about to begin and man o man is it going to be GREAT! ::hugs::

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