"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - solar flares and the expansion of our consciousness - 11.05.2022

Dear family, I'm back though from another version of me which is the result of all the updates that I was integrating from March 22 to April 22 more or less. I don't know how many of you are experiencing it too, but I know it's a collective phenomenon. I don't have the exact words to explain it, but I can tell you it's like a hologram had been ripped out that was no longer working properly. The three-dimensional material world didn't change, but it is impossible for me to feel connected again with situations, people, places and experiences that before March 22 gave meaning and purpose to my experience on this plane. It was like they switched off everything, including my mission as a guide, only to turn it back on. In fact, three days ago I dreamed that I was going down a road with other cars circulating in the different lanes and I chose to voluntarily change "destiny" (from the place I was heading) so I crossed the 5 lanes dodging cars and very aware that I was changing from time line. Change is radical and it feels like it is final, although nothing is ever final.... not even death. So most likely you were the drivers of the other cars and many are now going through such significant changes that you have no idea what comes next. All of these changes were preceded by a period of time in which everything felt static, like when the wheel of fortune stops for a few moments before starting to spin the other way around.

This new version of each of us is the result of all the solar flares that have been happening, frankly sometimes I no longer tell them because having so little time difference between them is difficult to know which is which kicking in effect. This is going to stay at a minimum until 2025 and is most likely to increase so the chances of us experiencing The Event (aka a large-scale solar flare) are getting higher. Although the physical symptoms are getting more intense but less lasting (our physical body can already handle greater voltage in the heart and nervous system), the stomach, head and heart remain highly sensitive to increase in the solar activity.

The burning in the mouth of the stomach (gastritis, reflux) is because the solar particles entering at a higher speed cause us a false "proton bomb" in the stomach. The proton pump is a chemical reaction that occurs in the cells of the stomach membrane to favor the acidic medium that food is digested, and that’s why we have gastritis symptoms without a logical reason for it. Symptoms of heart chakra expansion (palpitations, pressure or discomfort in the chest, feeling that we cannot breathe deeply) are the result of an increased amount of electromagnetic energy passing through our heart On and the sensations in the head (pain in parts, chills, feeling of having bruises, etc) are also because our brain creates a greater number of connections by having a greater amount of electrical impulse available (also that is why our nervous system overload and we feel pain stings in different parts it's of the body and what the doctors baptized as "fibromyalgia"). This short explanation is for those who don't quite understand yet how solar activity relates to our physical, mental and emotional balance.

All these effects on our body are related to the expansion of our Consciousness and at the same time the voluntary expansion of our Conscience facilitates the process of embodying a higher frequency. When we are able to hold a higher frequency our multidimensional nature (perceive several different frequencies at once and be able to decode them as if we were identifying each instrument in an orchestra playing u na symphony) and this is how we can identify different timelines becoming aware of that nothing is REAL until we give it meaning. Since Sunday night my heart has not stopped expanding and activating which makes me think that the Sun will continue to produce more flames with some amount of solar plasma directed towards Earth in the next few days. Stay well hydrated and pay attention to all the synchronicities and signs you'll start getting if you guys also chose to switch timeline. All is well, God's plan is perfect.... ALWAYS.


(google translate)

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