Dear family, now is a good time to become aware of how much you have been adapting to the increased electromagnetic energy we receive from the Sun because our star is on a short "nap". In the last 72 hours it lost 44 active regions (it's as if 44 possible eruption focal points had been turned off) and also decreased its radio emission (i.e. the amount of energy it emits), somehow this also affects us because it's like if we had been in one party from last weekend and suddenly they turn off the music we were dancing to

They’re most likely to feel dull, annoyed, like they’ve lost inspiration and faith regarding how they felt until a couple of days ago. On a physical level, you may be experiencing dental problems (teeth loss), intestinal inflammation, constipation, general heaviness, lack of energy, irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and/or non-flu flu. At the level of our Consciousness it is as if we had "retropped" to playing the game of 3D, and even may be that something they believed healed, or already forgotten, is re-emerging because they will again pay attention (only temporarily) to the things that resonated n with you in the previous version. This feeling of "setback" is normal and it's part of our adaptation. In relation to the Sun, these "naps" were little interesting when it had not started its ascent to the Solar Maximum (which is the maximum activity point in each 11-year solar cycle), but now that it has officially begun that ascent (I felt) physically identifies this start of ascension because the pole of the Sun bends and so remains as long as the Solar Maximum to then return to its original position) these "naps" could be the prelude to the appearance of some very large stain or to occur a Coronal Mass Injection tax rt. I don't think this particular nap is the prelude to the Solar Event we're expecting (because I now "understand" that before other things must happen), but it is gratifying to see how the Sun's behavior somehow confirms what h I've been intuitive. This is how Humanity has continued to evolve and survive thanks to prophets, shamans, astronomers and astrologers that have existed and continue to exist (scientists are magicians too, though they don't always want to admit it) 


Take advantage of this little "break", even if it feels like we've been rushed from the party, to give your body the tranquility it needs to integrate everything it received in the previous weeks. Do not think that you are retreating, or let this drop in the collective vibration affect you to the point that you react again to situations that you already overcame, think that it is not real and that it is as if you were watching the previous chapter of a series you already saw, but that they don't remember. Reaching the point of neutrality or “zero point” is easy when we keep our emotions well “in check.” 

Thank you always for the trust you have in me and for being part of this community we've created together. I wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for all of you and the love we share and multiply. 


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