"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes Update - June rest and re-calibration month - 28.05.2022


As we prepare for June remember this is a month of rest and re-calibration for most people proper rest is not a concept they understand as rest does not mean checking out but rather checking in, Yin Yoga can be a very powerful way to accomplish real rest but the key factor is letting your central nervous system relax so that your body can slow down enough to let you enter proper rest, for me it can take 40mins or so to get into a rested state with all the hyper currents and updates coming in these days so remember slow and steady wins the race ::hugs::

"these are afew of the ones that can be huge right now"

James Gilliland & Eceti - Self Mastery in Times of Chaos - 28.05.2022

After the eclipse and full Moon I observed a lot of people did not fare well with the new energies. It was a golden opportunity for a reset if one could put their ego aside. It was a time where if one was brutally honest with themselves, they could take a quantum leap in evolution yet it seems few took that step. Rather than going within, processing old wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences and using discernment on the accuracy of or where their information is coming from most chose to project and blame rather than admit deep down inside they know something is off. Something within them or the beings they are receiving guidance. There were lots of pissing matches during the full Moon eclipse. What was sad is some don’t even have the reference points to know what is healthy, what is truly aligned with Universal Law, higher consciousness, or what it means to be an evolved human.

Always being the observer, staying out of reactionary mind along with a lot of loving detachment are the tools to master these situations. Years of experience often helps. Bounce things off a Grandmother. Most have seen it all.

I was recently in telegram trying to help someone who believed they were a biblical character from the past. When I explained how there are houses of consciousness like the House of Mary, a divine feminine house with both Marys and Grandmothers. When one connects, they merge with the energy and believe they are Mary. Just like other Ascended Masters houses. The same goes with spiritually advanced ETs. You can merge with their energies, become one yet this does not necessarily mean you are, or were, them. I could however mean you knew them in another incarnation. Many saints, sages and prophets of the past were doing the best they could with the reference points they had. There was a lot of misinterpretation of events. Look at your history. It is his story as told by the victors written by those in power at the time. Many have returned to undo what was written or clarify it. The pillar clouds that were afire by night, the communication between the lights on the river Chebar, Elisha ascending in a fiery chariot, the shiny disks with calves feet, fire and brimstone coming out of them that sounded like a thousand rushing rivers with today’s reference points were ships. The point I am making is we now have a greater understanding of the multiverse available. Living in the past using well known figures' names as a badges might be a step backwards and negates all the wisdom gained through experience since that event.

In the big picture we are all one with the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions. The unified field. When you settle for an identity you limit and separate yourself. Often those are big shoes to walk in creating high expectations in those around you.

There are also faker spirits posing as advanced souls, this includes the off world folks. This is where discernment and inner sensitivity come in, mainly the ability to sense the frequency and motive of individuals. If they are limiting you, not inspiring you to make your own personal Creator/God/Great Spirit connection tying you to their world they are not as advanced as they profess. We always have the option to make our own personal connection, be the God/Goddess you are or settle for lesser realms. Why be subservient to an unseen influence, in some cases someone’s pet on the next level when you can go to the top. Many are engaging entities that are self-serving and not in their highest and best good in error not realizing these beings may not be who they say they are or as evolved as they profess to be. Tell them to show you their galactic drivers license. Just kidding. Connections can be limiting if they are psychic bonds in the higher realms there are no bonds, there are memories.

It is imperative during these times to use discernment. The veils are getting thinner yet this is allowing access to the lower 4th dimension which is a predatory zone. Everything from fallen Annunaki, Serpent Beings, Jinn, Royal Reptiles, Reptilians, Tall Greys and a host of discarnate spirits reside in the lower 4th. There are tricksters, faker spirits and a host of entities that will derail your spiritual evolution. If you knew who was under their spell some willingly, some in ignorance most could not handle it. Their idols would fall which seems to be epidemic with the new energies. Many lose their form at times and we get a glimpse of their true form. They are not frequency specific to the ascension or evolution of Earth, the masks are coming down. Their actions and associations are a giveaway.

The new disclosure is a perfect example, look who is heading it? They have put several bright shiny dresses on this turd, attached some famous names but it is still a turd. A limited and controlled narrative. It is an external trap to derail you from internal contact. How long are we going to play this game. Where is the discussion on Spiritually and Technologically Advanced off worlders, some of which are our ancient ancestors? Why are they ignoring the women, the children, contactees who know who they are, their cultures, why they are here, some even have their technology. Most of these experts do not have a clue or have an agenda which is far from disclosure. Roswell was 70 years ago. We have been going back and forth from the Moon and Mars since the sixties. Not with rockets. There have been agreements and alliances with both positive and negative ETs. Much of which was at the expense of humanity. Do you think these officials, most morally and integrity challenged, are going to tell you the truth, anything other than a controlled narrative? Could you handle the truth?

What if the history of your planet was a series of colonies from off world visitors, the bearded Gods were ETs. What if the bearded Gods of your religions were ancient Lyrians? What if Atlantis and Lemuria did exist and were Pleiadian colonies? What if they are still here? What if some of the ships were ours, some off world, others inner Earth? What if some of the ships were time travelers? Could the masses handle it?

This is why we have the controlled narrative and these ridiculous side shows with planned opposition shaking their fists at the government with the other hand behind the back taking the check. If you are waiting for some external leadership to tell you UFOs exist or whatever new name they give them you will always be in the dark. Why? Because they lack the prerequisites for contact, an open mind, loving heart, pure intent in service to the Creator in all Creation. Rise up. Release the past. Set your intention on having contact and qualify it. Focus on love, joy and bliss with the intention of contacting Spiritually and Technologically advanced beings. Send them love, joy and bliss with that intention. That is how you make contact. Contact has been made in the past with governments many of your leaders are not what you think. That contact was self-serving and was not in humanity's highest and best good. Those contacts are coming to an end mainly due to benevolent beings, many of which are off world. They have aligned with those of integrity and moral character on the ground. A planetary liberation is in full swing. Reason this?. The reason there has been so much inhumanity on the earth is because of non-human interference and their human morally and integrity challenged puppets. This will and is all being revealed. The demoralization of countries, collapsing economies, pandemics are all planned to usher in socialism or communism where the power and wealth are centralized in the hands of some very dark ruling elite. Many are participating willingly or in ignorance in their own demise, socially engineered by the media owned by the ruling elite. This very well may be the wheat separating from the chaff. The awake versus the woke which has fallen for the division game. Forget about what they say, look at the outcome. Be well and be safe.

James Gilliland

Carta Astral 222 - Little Break from the Energy Party - 27.05.2022

Dear family, now is a good time to become aware of how much you have been adapting to the increased electromagnetic energy we receive from the Sun because our star is on a short "nap". In the last 72 hours it lost 44 active regions (it's as if 44 possible eruption focal points had been turned off) and also decreased its radio emission (i.e. the amount of energy it emits), somehow this also affects us because it's like if we had been in one party from last weekend and suddenly they turn off the music we were dancing to

They’re most likely to feel dull, annoyed, like they’ve lost inspiration and faith regarding how they felt until a couple of days ago. On a physical level, you may be experiencing dental problems (teeth loss), intestinal inflammation, constipation, general heaviness, lack of energy, irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and/or non-flu flu. At the level of our Consciousness it is as if we had "retropped" to playing the game of 3D, and even may be that something they believed healed, or already forgotten, is re-emerging because they will again pay attention (only temporarily) to the things that resonated n with you in the previous version. This feeling of "setback" is normal and it's part of our adaptation. In relation to the Sun, these "naps" were little interesting when it had not started its ascent to the Solar Maximum (which is the maximum activity point in each 11-year solar cycle), but now that it has officially begun that ascent (I felt) physically identifies this start of ascension because the pole of the Sun bends and so remains as long as the Solar Maximum to then return to its original position) these "naps" could be the prelude to the appearance of some very large stain or to occur a Coronal Mass Injection tax rt. I don't think this particular nap is the prelude to the Solar Event we're expecting (because I now "understand" that before other things must happen), but it is gratifying to see how the Sun's behavior somehow confirms what h I've been intuitive. This is how Humanity has continued to evolve and survive thanks to prophets, shamans, astronomers and astrologers that have existed and continue to exist (scientists are magicians too, though they don't always want to admit it) .

Take advantage of this little "break", even if it feels like we've been rushed from the party, to give your body the tranquility it needs to integrate everything it received in the previous weeks. Do not think that you are retreating, or let this drop in the collective vibration affect you to the point that you react again to situations that you already overcame, think that it is not real and that it is as if you were watching the previous chapter of a series you already saw, but that they don't remember. Reaching the point of neutrality or “zero point” is easy when we keep our emotions well “in check.”
Thank you always for the trust you have in me and for being part of this community we've created together. I wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for all of you and the love we share and multiply.


Cobra - The Apocalypse - 27.05.2022

As hinted at in the previous update, we are at the turning point of several cosmic cycles.

First, there is the completion of the great cosmic cycle which lasted over 13 billion years. This universe is right now at the turning point from expansion into contraction. That is a unique moment, when the Source (the Absolute) can intervene directly into the Creation and dissolve the primary anomaly and all evil related to it, and this is the real reason why all darkness will soon disappear.That moment of direct intervention is called the Apocalypse (the Revelation in English) and is quite accurately described in a famous, almost 2000 year old vision:

This moment can also be called the Cosmic Reversal, and scientists are beginning to understand that it will not happen billions of years from now, but much sooner:

Second, there is the completion of the galactic magnetic pulse cycle which lasts somewhere between 12,000 and 13,000 years. Every 12,000 years or so, the Galactic Central Sun reverses its magnetic polarity, and in two such cycles it reverses its magnetic polarity back to the original one. Earth axis is entrained with the galactic magnetic field reversals, and this is the true origin of the 25,772 year precessional cycle, and the 12,000 year Heinrich event cycle:

Recent scientific paper shows that galactic magnetic field reversals are sudden events that only take a few years:

Galactic magnetic field reversal triggers a Solar mininova event, which in turn triggers Earth magnetic field reversal. Earths' magnetic field is already decreasing fast in preparation for the reversal, and one possible curve of its strength may look like this (violet part of the curve is a prediction):

When Earth's magnetic field strength falls below a certain threshold, the elasticity and viscosity of Earths' mantle abruptly changes to allow crustal displacements and a physical polar shift:

The polar shift triggers a global tsunami wave which washes over the planetary surface and purifies it. This tsnamii wave is a necessary part of the primary anomaly purification process, and only individuals strongly connected with inner Light within Islands of Light, except for an occasional prepper, will be able to survive it on the surface of the planet. The rest of the human population will be evacuated from the surface and will then be able to start a new cycle afresh, in full alignment with the Light.

Top members of the Cabal are aware of the coming polar shift, and are planning to survive it in their underground bunkers and Pits:

They will be cleared by the Resistance before the polar shift happens.

Third, there is the completion of the solar magnetic cycle which lasts around 11 years. The next solar magnetic reversal is expected around 2025. The Sun is becoming active much faster than expected, and the sunspot number now (May 2022) is already exceeding the NOAA prediction for the peak of the cycle in 2025:

In a few months, mainstream scientists will begin to realize that there is something unusual going on with the current solar cycle, and some of them will be able to connect the dots, triggering utter panic in some circles.

One small hint, a Carrington type event is quite possible in the next two years:

All three cycles, cosmic, galactic and solar, converge into the opening of the Ascension portal of 2025, which is an orientational milestone for us to estimate when the big changes are expected to occur.

Until then, there is soft disclosure happening with interesting photos of “natural” formations on Mars:

You can also align yourself with the Pleiadian energy with this music:

Or support the Light Forces with the following meditation:

You can dive deeper in the vast amounts of intel published on this blog:

And get notified when the blog is updated:

Victory of the Light!

Original Post:

Jason Estes Updates - 25.05.2022


Cruising at 20900 data points per hour at now remember with all the major updates to stay hydrated and to do some form of body stretching to make room for all the new data coming in ::hugs::

A QUICK NOTE #1905 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Tugs of war weaken" - 25.05.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Divine valuations increase.
System respirators extend ventilations.
Old culture core is discontinued.
Higher lessons keep to be learned.
Celestial Councils continue to be established in physical environment.
Tugs of war weaken.
MP+ adjustment underway. 89% (not countdown).
*ATP+++Eleven: Projection at 84% (not countdown).
*ATP+++Eleven: Reverberation at 84% (not countdown).
Ashtar+++++++ConctSuperEleven +++++++ Active in Physical 1. Reverb at 71% (non countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in Bearers reconnections. Support at 81% (not countdown).
*Lemurian Pearls in Bearers reconnections. Reverb at 82% (not countdown).
Temporarily end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (POWERING CHAMBERS +++++++).

A QUICK NOTE #1904 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Divine forces establish themselves in 4D- conflict areas" - 24.05.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Ashtar(s) expansion increases.
Divine forces establish themselves in 4D- conflict areas.
Advisors spread for task.
Sensory channels increase.
Prides are dissolved
Renewal Island is called for attunement.
Telepathic boards increase.
+++DhaborosAFR GREATER REVERBERATION at 92% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
*Silver Dragons in support and reverb: 99% (not countdown).
*OSECCT: Pleiadians performances and reverberations in progress. 92% (not countdown).
Attention *HDF! SPECIAL Projector Support started: 91% (not countdown).
*HDF: SPECIAL Projector Reverberation at 92% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Temporarily end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (POWERING CHAMBERS +++++++).

A QUICK NOTE #1903 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Pandemic flags are re-erected and destroyed" - 23.05.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Greater healings keep occurring.
Pandemic flags are re-erected and destroyed.
New shortcuts are shown.
Divine masters keep to be born.
Disconnected are permanently removed.
MP+ reverberation in progress. 89% (not countdown).
Neva in GENUINE PHASES Transmission: 91% (not countdown).
Attention +++DhaborosAFR! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 88% (not countdown).
+++DhaborosAFR: Line Enlightenment in progress: 92% (not countdown). The Light Celebrates!
Architects- are arrested.
Sensors- are deactivated.
Temporarily end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (POWERING CHAMBERS +++++++).

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 23.05.2022

Top secret negotiations for new age proceed well as Western rule collapses

You can read the full report here:


Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022 Movie)

I remember Jason Estes mentioned this movie in one of his latest videos, but I forgot about it until yesterday when it was promoted on Facebook by my favorite Viennese cinema. I watched the trailer and immediately decided it was going to be my Friday night program.

I've been watching movies very rarely for years, because I don't like movies based on mainly visuals and actions, in which the story is as simple as wooden wedge, plottwist is very predictable or non exists, the acting is almost 0, the main characters forgottable. Cliché sets and forced liberal elements that also give quite a smell of sweat to today’s movies. For me, movies seem to have been dumbed-down for a couple of years to a level that is no longer fun at all and can be forgotten very quickly. BUT there are always pleasant surprises, original, creative and fun gems that also have depth and say.

Everything Everywhere all at once for me is such a movie. An exciting journey, full of creative solutions, humor, mind bending, crazy elements of Asian cinema, yet has a touching and strong message for all of us.

Marvel introduced the basic concept of multiverse worlds to the general public in a wide range of ways, but already in the 1990s, the Sliders series presented the parallel worlds very nicely, and that is the basis of this film.

It is no surprise to those on the spiritual path that we are present in many worlds here and now, and not just in millions of parallel worlds / universes, but in other dimensions as well ... but what if we could have access to the memories and knowledge of our version in many worlds? If you knew after your x or y decision, what life it led to and what knowledge you gained, or that certain events in the world would have turned out differently or not happened at all, what effect it may have had on evolution and on your life? What would our lives be like and what would we start with knowledge if we had access to possible variants of all our decisions?

The film focuses on Evelyn (Michelle Yeoh), a Chinese middle-aged woman who lives in America with her family and owns a laundromat. She constantly busy, trying to solve one problem after another, her family life in ruins, until a man from another universe seeks her help in the fight against an evil force capable of penetrating a space and time. With a tool and interesting stimulants, Evelyn is able to connect with her selves in parallel worlds and take over their abilities to get out of trouble and confront the main evil that seeks to destroy the entire universe. The story, of course, isn’t just that, but I’m not make spoiler.

I think the movie is Brilliant, an intense journey through the protagonist, from a state of inattention to a state of recognition and understanding of what is really important. What the film has to say is more relevant than ever.

It’s likely that the average person will only see a big chaos, and many of you it’s probably too much and too fast for some parts, but I think it’s worth watching. I will definitely watch it again and now I am not going to have a WTF moment at the quarter of the movie XD

Amanda Lorence - Incoming Energy - 21.05.2022


INCOMING ENERGIES have been and remain VERY strong.
But I’m fairly certain we will receive AN IMMENSE Incoming Energy from our Sun, that will BEGIN in approx 6-8hours time (4pm-6pm U.K. time). Today.

I get particular energetic vibrations before (the not so frequent) SHIFT energies. SHIFT energies occur perhaps 2-3 times a year (so far). I’ve got these symptoms, therefore I expect a SHIFT energy to arrive for us all in next 6-8 hours.


In your own way, try to work WITH the INCOMING ENERGY to expand your own conscious awareness of your own ENERGETIC FIELD, this will consciously increase your field’s strength by making it a TWO-WAY connection by:

Receiving energy to your own body and then giving OUT your energy to your body, your own energetic field, Mother Earth, and absolutely give energy BACK to the SUN. It’s a two-way connection of giving and receiving. This will EXPAND you energetically, as well as help you feel better in many many ways. You’ll be giving OUT your conscious energy signature (and signal). All of this energy work is LOVE FREQUENCY base with the heart.
If you not able to do that, SURRENDERING to the Heart, coming back to LOVE, letting go of the mind thoughts, sleeping, drinking lots of water, being in nature or with the bird and animal kingdoms will ease any overwhelming symptoms.

The above is just support to help you expand. So just ignore if it doesn’t resonate.

All my love always,
Amanda Lorence
21 MAY 2022

Jason Estes Update - 20.05.2022


We did it!!!! portal now closed world templated path clearly defined and votes ready to rock take the rest of this month to celebrate and prepare for the massive clean up of the world that comes next ::hugs::

Amanda Lorence - Clarion Call - 19.05.2022


Beautiful YOU…

I’m breaking out of the silence and my own path STAGE to share below info, in case it resonates…and if not, please ignore.


For those that have not seen that video explaining the COLLECTIVE stage that was then (3 April 2022), I will post the link in the comments below. It’s also on Utube.


We are still at the ‘Station’. We are WAITING for the last remaining people that got OFF the train, to get back on. But the train is going to be moving out of this ‘station’ (juncture), very soon. Those that got back on the train since 3 April, have been EXPANDING within into their consciousness more, as they wait for the last remaining people to GET BACK ON the train.
Many have been dealing with, in the last month, grief, pain, loss, sufferings, confusion, imbalance by degrees, feeling lost, a great ‘not knowing’, the experience of feeling ‘unsafe’ or alone etc etc. But the training will be leaving soon. And they’ll get back on. How?


I use this word intentionally to DEMYSTIFY such a word. Many of the esoteric or historical words will fall away as we bring simple clarity to what is an ascension/embodiment/God Knowing. I know my path has been very much about supporting ascension of consciousness in less mysterious words to bring clearer understandings as everything IS ENERGY and FREQUENCY abased. Not so mysterious…So, a CLARION CALL, will occur soonish. Which will be an ENERGETIC INCOMING ENERGY, of certain pre-designed vibrations and frequencies, that will be received and enter the BODY. Once integrated, the person will have greater MIND clarity, and get back to clear focus of their onward path. I also want to add, there MAY be an accompanied HIGH PITCH tone, heard in the ears, to THE ‘ CLARION CALL. But I’m not 100% certain about that. We will see. I know we are often receiving the variable SOUND tones to the ears. But this will be distinctive tone, if it occurs.
We are basically coming out of this period that lasted a month. But people come out of it in THEIR OWN timeline, one at a time.

MY SOUL reason for coming out of my own path stage and silence, is to let you know, a particular INCOMING ENERGY will occur, SOON, that IS the last call, and those still off the train, WILL return to this station and get back ON BOARD. I have clear knowing of this Clarion Call that will occur. It will be INCOMING ENERGETIC, VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS via our SUN. Once we leave that station, we’ll be heading towards the NEXT JUNCTURE, which is designed to pick up MANY unawakened. Remember we experience this through the concept of time, so it’s slowly and often subtly occurring, one day at a time as we all go together.
Expect the INCOMING ENERGY I speak of. The Clarion Call. Some time SOON.

I hope in some way that helps and supports your journey.
Sending so much love. God bless everyone as we go.

Amanda Lorence
19 May 2022

(PS. Please forgive the typos, I’m hardly in my ‘mind’ body these days so it’s harder to write. Big Hug)

Benjamin Fulford Weekly (Full) Report - 16.05.2022

 Destroy KM or Face Nuclear War Russia and China Tell Pentagon

You can read the full report here:


Tarot by Janine - About the Event

 I follow for a while Janine´s work, it helps see a bit clearer in this disinformation/movie "war"/period on Earth.

In her latest videos she talk - reading via Tarot cards about the Event/Solar Flash what most of the awekened community waiting. The good news is that it´s mostly matching with Cobra´s Event info - http://2012portal.blogspot.com/

I recommend check this video out, there some advice for the Event (no fear), about the Event timing...everything is fluid, shifting, moving, it´s up to us as a collective and up to the Source aka divine timing

A QUICK NOTE #1902 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Molecules reorganize in ascension" - 15.05.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Ethical progress continues.
Virals decrease as photons flood in.
Environments of wisdom are reached.
Magnetic reinforcements continue to happen.
Biological adjustments continue.
Ashtar(s) reopen capsules.
Time environments are aligned.
Molecules reorganize in ascension.
Time continues in defragmentation.
Tapering continues to rise.
Tunnels- keep to be scoured.
Temporarily end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (POWERING CHAMBERS +++++++).

A QUICK NOTE #1901 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Second Sun points" - 14.05.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Orbital realignments in progress.
Second Sun points.
Z-field plasma – recognized. Removal suction started: 88% (not countdown).
Shaman-fauna powers in inner alignment. Projectors pointed. Terran Reverb at 76% (not countdown).
DNA sequences are adjusted.
Galaxy lights up.
Crystalline forces keep coming.
Attention Vanula, The Potions Fountain! *RejuvD in its primary anchoring. Started: 98% (not countdown).
Attention Vanula, The Potions Fountain! *RejuvD POWERED >>>>> 92% (not countdown).
Defrag movement in progress: 91% (not countdown).
Violence decreases.
Temporarily end of transmission.
Pleiades 1 (POWERING CHAMBERS +++++++)

A QUICK NOTE #1900 ABOUT THE SITUATION VIA GABRIEL RL "Miasmatic structures dissolve" - 13.05.2022

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
DIVINE laws continue to interact harmoniously.
New Moons interact.
Deep reconnections happen on specific Islands.
Divine Cycles in conclusion.
Diplomatic reaches expand.
Miasmatic structures dissolve..
New paradigms arise.
Revolutionaries are immediately arriving.
Integrators present themselves.
Nevus Grid Pillar Anchoring underway: 3/7 79% (not regressive).
Attention Aquarius/Yaís, The Prince of the Seas! Immediate Buddhic Column Specific Conclusions. Triad in PVSE at 12% (not regressive).
Resumption started. The Light Celebrates! 100% (notcountdown).
Temporarily, end of transmission.

Cartal Astra 222 - Sun increased activity - 15.05.2022

Dear family, this is the most recent picture of the Sun, and it looks quite promising. The entire area that is about to rotate (yes, the Sun has rotation motion and lasts 27 days) towards Earth appears to have increased activity, although that activity could decrease or increase in the coming days.

Plus the multiple solar flares of the past few days. the Solar Radiation Index is staying above 3 digits, which means the solar crown is emitting an increased amount of radiation as a result of the magnetic interaction between the active regions. So good, in addition to the multiple heart chakra activations (palpitations, pain or discomfort in the chest, the feeling of having a double heartbeat that forces us to cough), you may also be experiencing a lot of physical fatigue, difficult to sleep, pain in teeth, neck and in different parts from the head (if you pay attention you will notice that the flow of energy follows specific patterns), gastritis, burning in the mouth of the stomach and reflux (due to the increase of protons), sharpening of the senses, increased sensitivity to light and in noise tolerance. On the other hand, it is also normal to feel that we are "going crazy", attacks of euphoria, unconditional love and emotional overflow because the heart is expanding and we feel that our physical body is not enough to contain so much love (I hope) let this be a collective and not just personal haha ). It is also normal to increase our telepathy and our capacity to manifest what we think more immediately or to intuition more clearly and evidently what is about to happen and so we think we manifest it when actually it was a preconception. Skin rashes, burning on the skin and lips (as if we had sunbathed a lot), excessive thirst and hunger, or on the contrary, little interest in food. In previous posts I was asked about seizures because apparently a lot of people are experiencing them, and yes, yes it's possible to be due to this but only those who are prone to having them could experience them so don't be scared clarify because they are very unlikely but this information could be useful to those who already suffer it themselves or those who have family members with epilepsy or a condition that could trigger them. Those who have pacemakers can also rest assured, the worst that could happen is that they require a battery change a little earlier or a minor adjustment, but their life is not at risk. Nothing you do or stop doing (if you take medications prescribed by a doctor keep taking them without worry) is going to prevent this process from running its course, whatever you are living now is the perfect plan for you because you they created it so not they have nothing to fear. I know many worry about whether they are following the right diet, meditating enough, whether they have healed their wounds or not, etc. and the reality is that none of that is as relevant as your emotions and your thoughts because our vibration depends more on what we feel than what we have for breakfast; I know vegans who live in bitterness and resentment and I also know p ersonas that bring a carrot closer and they run, but they have an immense capacity to love and accept others. What I want to tell you is that it only takes a lot of love to successfully adapt to this process and finally ascend with Gaia to her upper octave. Stay well hydrated and let the process do itself without expectations and fears, all is well. This too will pass.

**Pay attention to birds and trees, you will be surprised.

*** Oh yeah! I forgot to include in the text the topic of numbness and tingling in different parts of the body, it's not lack of circulation, it's energy passing through our body if you pay attention you'll identify the pattern that's following.

Celia Fenn - Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse - 15.05.2022

We are in the Event Corridor for the Full Moon in Scorpio and the Total Lunar Eclipse on the 15th/16th May 2022.
The excitement is building.
What a celebration as we step into the new Temples of Light and Cities of Light!
The Interstellar Geometries of Light have shifted to pure crystalline forms and have joined up with the newly reconnected geometries of light on Planet Earth.
We, as Warriors of Light, are the point where these powerful geometries are grounded on the Earth!
From Lemuria to Atlantis to Ancient Egypt, through the Celts and the Essenes and the Cathars, we have carried the Seeds of Light that are manifesting in the New Earth and the Golden Age of Light.
The new timeline is here!
So...through the Eclipse portal we go.........
All ready?
We got this......

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

I was quite surprised this morning to wake up to a front row seat to the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. I had thought it would not be visible from where I was!
It was just so incredible. I was able to watch it from about 5.45 to sunrise, and this image was taken just after 7 this morning as the Eclipsing Moon was setting over the Ocean. I took it from my upstairs balcony with my IPhone, and I am quite pleased with the result
We have woken up to a different world.
It is a more powerful and radiant world, but also challenging at times.
We need to step into our Mastery and activate the Heart center.
Only living from the Heart will create coherence and harmony in an increasingly incoherent and crazy world.
Where there is Peace in your Heart there will be Peace in your World.
Have a beautiful day everyone!

Carta Astral 222 - solar flares and the expansion of our consciousness - 11.05.2022

Dear family, I'm back though from another version of me which is the result of all the updates that I was integrating from March 22 to April 22 more or less. I don't know how many of you are experiencing it too, but I know it's a collective phenomenon. I don't have the exact words to explain it, but I can tell you it's like a hologram had been ripped out that was no longer working properly. The three-dimensional material world didn't change, but it is impossible for me to feel connected again with situations, people, places and experiences that before March 22 gave meaning and purpose to my experience on this plane. It was like they switched off everything, including my mission as a guide, only to turn it back on. In fact, three days ago I dreamed that I was going down a road with other cars circulating in the different lanes and I chose to voluntarily change "destiny" (from the place I was heading) so I crossed the 5 lanes dodging cars and very aware that I was changing from time line. Change is radical and it feels like it is final, although nothing is ever final.... not even death. So most likely you were the drivers of the other cars and many are now going through such significant changes that you have no idea what comes next. All of these changes were preceded by a period of time in which everything felt static, like when the wheel of fortune stops for a few moments before starting to spin the other way around.

This new version of each of us is the result of all the solar flares that have been happening, frankly sometimes I no longer tell them because having so little time difference between them is difficult to know which is which kicking in effect. This is going to stay at a minimum until 2025 and is most likely to increase so the chances of us experiencing The Event (aka a large-scale solar flare) are getting higher. Although the physical symptoms are getting more intense but less lasting (our physical body can already handle greater voltage in the heart and nervous system), the stomach, head and heart remain highly sensitive to increase in the solar activity.

The burning in the mouth of the stomach (gastritis, reflux) is because the solar particles entering at a higher speed cause us a false "proton bomb" in the stomach. The proton pump is a chemical reaction that occurs in the cells of the stomach membrane to favor the acidic medium that food is digested, and that’s why we have gastritis symptoms without a logical reason for it. Symptoms of heart chakra expansion (palpitations, pressure or discomfort in the chest, feeling that we cannot breathe deeply) are the result of an increased amount of electromagnetic energy passing through our heart On and the sensations in the head (pain in parts, chills, feeling of having bruises, etc) are also because our brain creates a greater number of connections by having a greater amount of electrical impulse available (also that is why our nervous system overload and we feel pain stings in different parts it's of the body and what the doctors baptized as "fibromyalgia"). This short explanation is for those who don't quite understand yet how solar activity relates to our physical, mental and emotional balance.

All these effects on our body are related to the expansion of our Consciousness and at the same time the voluntary expansion of our Conscience facilitates the process of embodying a higher frequency. When we are able to hold a higher frequency our multidimensional nature (perceive several different frequencies at once and be able to decode them as if we were identifying each instrument in an orchestra playing u na symphony) and this is how we can identify different timelines becoming aware of that nothing is REAL until we give it meaning. Since Sunday night my heart has not stopped expanding and activating which makes me think that the Sun will continue to produce more flames with some amount of solar plasma directed towards Earth in the next few days. Stay well hydrated and pay attention to all the synchronicities and signs you'll start getting if you guys also chose to switch timeline. All is well, God's plan is perfect.... ALWAYS.


(google translate)