"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes - Finding Peace Within

A very good reminder this little 3 and a half minute video about futurization and how much stress it can cause especially the expectations and fix ideas. 

"There is something complete and there is something incomplete in every moment - I choose which one I want to focus on. I can complain, shame and blame or I can celebrate the fact I made through another moment. That´s the struggle can you stay positive in a world that want´s you to be negative. 
In the hardest moment in the life acknowledge - this is not forever, this is temporary  - if you are alive and aware then you have the skill and capability to grow from there and expand into a greater version of you and move forward. 
You have to follow what´s front of you and don´t worry about the future. The struggle is that we have these ideas of what the future will hold and as long we do that we are not living in the present. The futuring is the most dangerous thing that´s ever been introduced into this world. The belief that the future is more powerful and palpable than today because the future is not guaranteed but today is. The struggle that acknowledge that is a war within ourselves, we come into so much peace when we just stop futurizing and we just acknowledge the world for what it is where it is and where we are in it.  
The stress that is created from expectations is 90% of the stress that we receive in this life.
Focusing and prepare for the future but don´t expect the future to be a certain way and so much the stress that you´re holding will go away. "

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