"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alex Myles - New Moon - 02.01.2022

New Moons are always the perfect time for new beginnings and the New Moon on January 2nd taking place in Capricorn gives us all a major boost of positive energy and delivers the exact cosmic energies needed to manifest a brand new start.

This energy will be affecting all zodiac signs, but will have the greatest impact on Capricorns.
Capricorn is the most driven sign of the zodiac and it is going to be enhancing our concentration levels - helping us become more disciplined, organised and focused. This is the optimum time to put a plan of action together that sets out exactly how we would like this new year to unfold. There truly could not be a better time for setting intentions and watching them effortlessly fall into place.

Thanks to Capricorn we might have noticed we are feeling far more grounded and stable than normal, and that our thoughts right now are centred around building firm foundations for our long term ambitions and goals. Rather than rushing in head first we will likely be feeling much more cautious and rational in our approach, particularly with decisions concerning our careers or home life.

These energies are helping us clearly see far into the future, and to understand exactly what changes we need to make to manifest our dreams and desires. This could also be significant for our relationships, so rather than allowing our emotions to rule our head, we will be now feeling more calm, collected and rational than ever before. Particularly in relation to connections where silent treatment, manipulation and overall unreciprocated energies have been playing havoc with our self-esteem.

We will see where we have been living under illusions and where we have been deluding ourselves about how certain people may feel toward us, whether within friendships or intimate relationships. Rather than feeling tempted to keep replaying the same scenario over and over like a broken record, we will now see where we are unvalued and under-appreciated and we will have the courage and determination to walk away in order to create deeper, healthier and more fulfilling connections - or even totally redirecting our time, energy and focus toward personal development, and start pouring all our love, devotion and validation into ourselves.
We will notice that we are not as impatient or frustrated as we normally might be and we may feel that certain aspects of our lives have felt rather stuck of late. We will have greater self-awareness and be coming to the realisation that the reason certain situations haven’t moved forward is not because we aren’t worthy or that we haven’t put enough effort in, it was because whatever we were trying to manifest was totally out of alignment with who we are and not meant for us at this time.

The inner healing we have been doing is now paying off and we can clearly see where we have been settling and accepting far less than we deserve. Rather than instant gratification we are now looking for sustainabilty and nourishment in all areas of our lives, and Capricorn gives us the clarity, strength and perseverance needed to step into a new reality where success and fulfilment arrives naturally and where we easily overcome any obstacles or adversities.

This confident Capricorn Moon is also a time to find the strength to let go of any negative thoughts, limiting beliefs or dynamics that have been going nowhere and weighing us down and to finally say goodbye to whatever, or whoever, has been depleting our energy. This lunar energy is working with us so that we no longer internalise other people’s hurtful words or actions and it entirely supports us with quitting unhealthy patterns of behavior that have held us back for far too long.

During this New Moon and over the next few days, we can ensure 2022 is the best possible year by fully accepting that there are certain mindsets or behaviours that need to drastically change if we want to achieve different results. This is the time to feel optimistic, to fully believe in ourselves and to have absolute faith that we are worthy of receiving all that our heart’s desire.

This is the time to stop focusing on seeds that just won’t grow and instead to plant new seeds that are fully in alignment.

Be brave, visualise greatness, move out of outdated energies and broken structures and get uncomfortable for a moment. For once, be outrageously adventurous and ask for it all - take a chance on the unknown. Amazing things are waiting for us and all we have to do to accept our blessings is recognise our value and trust that all we want, need and desire is on the way. Capricorn lets us know we are all capable of achieving whatever we put our mind to, as long as we are willing to work hard, be dedicated, believe that anything is possible and understand that absolutely everything changes the moment we change our perception.

Alex Myles


  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2019/10/22/why-women-are-attracted-to-psychopaths/amp/

  2. https://www.disclosurenews.it/organic-portals-soulless-humans/
