"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence Energy Update - 14.01.2022


Without doubt, I just share that yesterday’s MASSIVE and UNPRECEDENTED Incoming Energies were significant and will be seen in time as the START of a significant ‘Game Changer’. It’s hard to describe in words, so please bare with me:

We know there’s no start or end to anything. But the easiest way I can describe yesterday’s energies is that they were like a ‘STARTER’, the FIRST of a series of UNPRECEDENTED energies the whole world will receive during 2022. All staged at various points during 2022. Whilst these HIGH END energies will EVENTUALLY serve to awaken MANY worldwide via what plays out in the 3D, worldwide human DREAMTIME will also increase. Dreamtime is one of the MANY ways people all over the world will receive similar DATA to each other. By people sharing their dreams, so many will see that NOTHING is as it seems. But I’ve spoken about everyone’s increased and clearer Dreamtime before.

As of yesterday’s ENERGIES, we will also bare witness to many awakened AND unawakened becoming imbalanced, perhaps unhinged yet they won’t realise they are. Incoming energies CAN affect the human mind if imbalance is present and also if EXTREME polarity is present. AND if fervent and adamant human belief systems are present. Just remember every Soul has designed their own journey and experience here. Nothing ends, it just changes form. Every end IS a beginning. What matters for those reading this post, is HOW we each react to that which presents in our own reality and the worldwide stage. To not be disempowered or have your energy hertz frequency LOWERED, as a result of anything or anyone within the illusion. We are the Creator of our own experiences here. Please understand I am always subtle how I share and word things. So I say again that as of yesterday, many will begin to show signs of imbalance and spinning out, which will intensify for some, as we go. Just find peace in knowing to be aware of it. It is ONLY TEMPORARY imbalances some have chosen to experience. Meanwhile many will expand exponentially with the SERIES of UNPRECEDENTED INCOMING WAVES, via their ACUTE focus on Service to All, where their energy and consciousness stage expands. 13 January being the FIRST of the SERIES of UNPRECEDENTED INCOMING WAVES.

I’ve also been feeling 22 January 2022, as significant for some weeks, but in a very different way and energies to above sharings. The calling regarding 22 January is now very loud. But I’m not sure why yet.

With love, keep going…It’s incredible what’s happening and this is THE significant year that will keep changing for the highest good, as we take each step into more of the great unknowing, yet with unending courage and strength born SOULY from our Love and Service within, for All. It’s why we came. Bravo humanity…Big hug.

PS: JUST FOR INFO: incredibly strong energies started again at approx 8.30pm tonight (U.K. time). Really strong piercing the crown with strong pulsations within head (not a headache but actual energy vibrations). It’s very very strong incoming energy. Yet different to yesterdays.
Sending love to All

Amanda Lorence
14 January 2022


My Note: 

I felt it..also since days strange dreams

Also we had a KP6-KP5 geomagnetic storm yesterday

"Surprising forecasters, on Jan 14th a crack opened in Earth's magnetic field. Solar wind poured through the gap to spark a G2-class geomagnetic storm. The timing favored observers in Europe, where auroras spilled across the Arctic Circle as far south as Germany:"

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