"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alex Myles - Mercury retrograde - 16.01.2022

Mercury is now retrograde, beginning in Aquarius and then moving to Capricorn on January 25.
Venus and Uranus are already retrograde, and Mercury has now joined them, however Uranus goes direct soon after, on January 18.
That will leave the two planets closest to the sun, Mercury and Venus, to retrograde together for a while, and during this time we can expect certain aspects of our personal lives to feel as though we are wading against the current. For every step forward it can seem like we take ten steps back and that it is extremely challenging to reach our desired destination.

This could mean that visions we had of how we wanted relationships or personal goals to work out, may now appear to have been fantasies or illusions. Mercury/Venus combined is forcing us to look again at who and what we are trying to manifest in our lives and why.

We will no longer find it easy to remain silent and bottle our emotions just to keep the peace. Mercury’s energy can create haywire with thoughts and feelings, and our emotions will be heightened, causing frustrations and miscommunication with loved ones. We will be struggling to understand those around us, and they will have difficulty understanding us, and our imaginations may be on overdrive. This is why it is always advisable to wait until Mercury’s Retrograde has ended before taking action on anything brought to our attention.

Venus is feminine energy, Yin, and Mercury is masculine energy, Yang, and the spotlight will be on connections that feel harmonious, like home. However, as these two planets are retrograde anything that has been rumbling under the surface will now unearth and can cause disharmony, bringing immense confusion, emotional instability and disarray. We could see unresolved conflicts suddenly bring about major confrontations, flipping entire dynamics around, sending them from forward movement to reverse with no prior warning.

This period can be full of misunderstandings and it will be very easy to misconstrue other people’s intentions and feelings and to feel unloved or uncared for, when at the root of it is people’s capacity to communicate how they feel. Bottled up emotions are going to fizz up and spill out, so if there are repressed emotional issues simmering, now is the time to work through them and find a way to communicate in a compassionate and sensitive way, rather than waiting for an explosion.

If there are break ups that need to happen, whether with a person, career path, unhealthy habit, delusions, limiting beliefs or perceptions, we are likely to experience the fall out over the next few weeks. If not the fall out, we will gain the clarity needed to start taking steps toward repairing and restructuring so that what is meant to be remains and what is not meant to be in our lives peacefully leaves. Venus and Mercury won’t allow us to remain safe in comfort zones that keep us stuck, replaying old patterns and behaviours that may be externally comfortable but are extremely uncomfortable and unhealthy internally. It is now time to set intentions to align with what resonates and to begin releasing anything out of alignment.

We may find we are wanting to dig deeper to find the depth of our connections, and that we are no longer willing to connect on a surface level. Venus retrograde has been encouraging us to recognise our worth and to realise how we have lacked self-value and self-love due to continuing dynamics with people who don’t appreciate or value us. This is a time for slowing down and reviewing and reassessing aspects of our lives and for being clear and calm, not a time for irrational and hot-tempered flare ups. It is also a time to reflect on how considerate we are to those we are closest to and how our communication style can have a dramatic impact on how those around us feel.

There are going to be so many dramatic twists and turns over the next few weeks, and while Mercury Retrograde is always a time to expect the unexpected, with Mercury being in unpredictable and disruptive Aquarius there will be no comparison to the bizarre happenings that occur during this period. Aquarius is particularly known for shock-tactics that cause maximum disruption in a minimum amount of time, so don’t be surprised if one moment all seems calm and the next a spontaneous outburst radically changes everything.

While Mercury is retrograde it can put us in a tailspin, where we spiral backward through anything in our lives that need reviewed, reassessed, reorganised or rebooted. As Mercury rules travel, technology, communication and the mind, when it is retrograde we can expect all of these things to also spin backward or break down during this period.

Since the beginning of Venus Retrograde we will all likely have had our own, and other people’s, love languages highlighted. Now Mercury is about to add a few plot twists to the mix, and show us how we often love people the way we want to be loved instead of the way they want and need to be loved. We are about to be shown how we are giving other people the type of love we really need to be giving ourselves, and also how important it is to understand what other people need so that they too feel loved.

It is likely we will also be reviewing how we have loved in the past, and old flames may return, even if it is just in thoughts and dreams, so we have the opportunity to see where we may have gone wrong and learn some valuable lessons.

Toward the end of January, as Venus Retrograde comes to an end, we will have received numerous breakthroughs regarding how we value ourselves and others and we will have come to the realisation that we have been struggling to really believe we deserve love it. In turn, we have not fully been able to show others the love they deserve.

This awakening will make us realise that love is love, regardless of how it is shown, and that we can become far too focused on what love should look and feel like, rather than accepting we all have our own unique ways of giving and receiving love. The most important lesson we can take from this is that when we learn how to love and value ourselves we find that we don’t need other people to fulfil us. Other people’s love is a bonus to what we already have within and when we can accept this on a deep internal level, we will never feel unloved, unworthy or unvalued again.

With an emotional Full Moon in Cancer on the way, on January 17, it is imperative that we start to release some of the built up tensions we have been feeling so that we don’t end up having a full-blow out with those closest to us. Between Mercury, Venus and the moon in Cancer, emotions will be heightened and we will likely be hyper-sensitive and tempted to release pent up heavy emotions on those around us, instead of doing the inner work and processing our emotions in a healthy and more rational way.

Retrogrades can feel extremely overwhelming, even if it is only minor things appearing to go wrong, and when there is an accumulation of small things in succession it can feel as though our entire lives are spinning out of control. The best way to get through retrogrades is to take things slowly, process energies as they come, reflect on why we are being shown certain situations and then just try to keep moving forward knowing that even though it doesn’t feel like it, everything is happening for our highest good. It won’t be long before everything returns to relative normal.

Mercury is here to show us anything that is out of alignment in our lives and to offer us a second chance review unfinished business and then repair, reconnect, reject, restructure or reboot before moving onward.

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