"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

End of Saturn Retrograde

Over this past week, as Saturn Retrograde was coming to a close and the powerful karmic energy of the past 5 months was concluding, our emotions may have felt overwhelming and even debilitating at times. We might have been switching between intense waves of sadness and bliss, and possibly felt highly irritable, impatient, emotional, fatigued and anxious.

It is also highly possibly that over these past few days, we might have had an extremely strong impulse to tantrum, quit and throw everything away and start anew, including relationships, friendships, personal belongings and maybe even careers. This is the reason it is always advisable to wait until at least a week after a retrograde ends before finalising life-changing decisions.

This retrograde delivered a major shake-up that allowed us to clearly see who and what was in our lives and illuminated the true purpose and intention at the root of each connection and commitment. It also highlighted the importance of placing our valuable energy in the right areas, and it gifted us the ability to see if we were effectively prioritising our time, loyalty, dedication, and affection.

Saturn retrograde was all about learning from past mistakes and reviewing our previous, current and potential future life-choices. As uncomfortable as it may have been, over the past few months we will have felt compelled to revisit and dig deeply into our past so that we could unblock stagnant and unresolved emotions, heal old trauma and process, release and clear all old karmic energy.

Now that this retrograde is over we will rapidly move forward , as we finally understand why we subconsciously placed ourselves in certain painful situations or became karmically entangled with people who weren’t meant to be part of our lives long-term.

Today marks the closure of a major phase, which was full of karmic repercussion, that forced us to undergo messy but necessary healing and undertake an immense amount of purging and brutal letting go. This retrograde gave us the opportunity to see without illusions, so that we avoid repeatedly making the same mistakes in the future and returning to whatever (or whoever) causes turmoil or emotional harm, and overall, where there wasn't genuine or loving intentions.

Retrogrades are catalysts for positive transformation and radiate waves of cosmic energy that shake and alter our lives, giving us the opportunity to wipe the karmic slate clean and turn our lives around for the better.

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