"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Don´t Stress about your Life Purpose

This post comes to my mind - true story -and I feel I should share with you guys, maybe you are also in or was in this situation or you will meet this problem in the future and this little post I hope will help you. Not must agree with me, if not resonate with you just let it go :)

The internet is full of information about the life purposes from very various sources and some people start to get easily overwhelmed about this information fast, mainly everywhere flashing to your face - FIND YOUR LIFE PURPOSE!!!! Just with this, you can be a great help for humanity, to the Light Forces, that´s why you born here, keep searching, you should already do, the time is ticking, just then you will be really happy, c´mon keep digging and meditate and ask your higher self and your angels, etc. 
Since years this cause for me big stress when I read in articles and situation updates, and I feel this rushing energy behind it and also when I read a lot of "success articles" who and when find it, their life is changed because they live for their life purpose and so happy and prosperous + they get their soulmates/twin flames and can work together, etc. and after I look at myself and ... my brain start to spin that: why I do not find it, what is it, where should I search, what´s wrong with me, my guides why don´t help, I keep meditate and meditate and nothing and still nothing, maybe I have no? but everybody has, why I have not found? and slowly go into a negative thoughts pattern and just sink down, because I feel so useless, down, and angry about myself and guess who wins? My shadow side and the dark ones. This time comes to my mind the Emperor from Star Wars like this:

I try to do a lot of positive affirmations, meditations, tarot, I ask a lot of from spirit guides, higher self and still not know. Since 10 months I try to find a good own business idea to build and launch and with that help people around the world and make money with it too and nothing. 
Maybe I am blind? I see signs that my spirit guides are here but for this specific sign not at the moment. Some article suggests that the searcher should write down what they like or their passion, what they good in and link them: peace..with this I can´t go shopping, happiness/laughing...I am not a comedian, be at home this was always my wish since a kid, writing... I don´t have the mood to do always but I do since a kid but if this would be, I would have by now many many readers and supporters. Cats...little or big doesn't matter I love them except when they wake me up in the middle of the night and they are very choosy about food. Space/spaceships...at the moment not reachable, and not interested in the outdated Nasa toys. Computer...I hang on my laptop all day...games - I love playing but I don´t think this is my life purpose :D Peoples...I like them when they are far away or just one by one. What the worlds need? another blogger? 😂....so If I link them then my life purpose will be: a spaceship around the Earth what is my home, I live there in peace with a lot of cats and entertaining and teaching them and other peoples with technical devices. Hmm, it´s quite interesting and I like it...but for this need request a spaceship from the Light Forces.


So not every "lightworker" "perfect" and a lot of us just "be" here without knowing what our purpose is. AND also a lot of us already do their life purpose even they are not knowing that they do! Sometimes the brain like to overthinking what can be this - my imagination would also think that I am a light warrior and with a pink gun in my hand shooting rainbows, unicorns and love emojis to the dark ones wherever they are or imagine I am a Jedi knight with awesome force using stuff and serving justice - much more fun than mass meditations. 
But sometimes things are more simple... teaching, or helping/awakening peoples, leading them, charity works, creating art/healing devices/ new technology/earth and animal protections or just express yourself in a way what would enjoy and like and so on. All are great but that you do this, maybe you need a lot of mental/physical training, mindsets, and experiences that you can carry out. For example, if you need to be a leader but you can´t stand up for yourself or for others, you need to learn that...and your guides/higher self will prepare you with different life experiences and challenges, even traumas that you can be a perfect leader and fulfill your "destiny". You will look back to your life and everything will have a sense. Also sometimes a great idea/solution comes from other peoples/friends/blogs, for example, a long not see friend comes and tell something or idea or just some word which goes into your mind and will lead to your purpose. 

Also, I learned one thing...everything has the perfect timing! Don´t give up, but not make yourself totally crazy for constant searching, everything will unfold and becomes visible front of you. You will feel the calling inside of your core that, yes this is it, this I should do, also your intuition will tell you that this is it. Just go with the flow, keep your mind open, and trust your guides. You can use your manifest ability and know that you are guided and when the time is right you will know what is it and what to do. Live by heart and be true for yourself. 
I do not stress anymore, I know I will find it, I trust the process and I also know that I should learn to have faith again. And until while I find it, I do what comes from within and I have the mood to do it.

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