"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lunar Eclipse+Full Moon+Pluto+Saturn all in Capricorn - heavy energy blast already here

Full Moon Blessings ✨πŸŒ›πŸŒπŸŒœ✨

On July 16th (or 17th depending on your location), the Full Moon Partial Eclipse marks the closure of the last eclipse season, which started at the beginning of this year and kickstarts a brand new chapter which closes with the next eclipse at the end of the year.

An eclipse is a temporary interruption of universal energy between the sun, moon and earth, and when they occur we also notice an abrupt halt of energy in our own lives. This temporary seizure offers us the opportunity to gain perspective before pressing reset on all that has occurred previously.

It is so important to set intentions for things you wish to manifest during this period, as fortunately any decisions made during an eclipse are known to work out positively and greatly in our favor, as the energetic cosmic force guides and supports our choices and journey. 

Eclipses are beneficial and healing and although they can often feel devastating, as sections of our lives crumble during the transformation, it all happens for our higher good. So it is vital to trust in the process.

During an eclipse cycle, we go through an intense healing phase where we break old harmful patterns of behavior and learn new, healthier and deeper ways to communicate and connect.

An eclipse is basically nature’s way of awakening us, and helping us to sweep away the past so we have a clear, vast space to plan and manifest our future.

Eclipses are supercharged, cosmic pushes from the universe that shake us and compel us to take action so we reboot our lives, especially in areas where we have been procrastinating change and remaining in situations that are toxic, unfulfilling or draining our energy.

This Moon is in the constellation Capricorn, the sign of ambition and goals, and will be bringing with it conflicts that result in much needed endings.

Areas of our lives that could be affected during this huge transformation period include: relationships, friendships, careers, lifestyles, travel plans, commitments and our domestic situations.

During this transitional phase there will also be a magnificent amount of planetary energy in the atmosphere, as six planets are retrograde and two of those planets are very near to the Full Moon in Capricorn.

Not only will the Capricorn moon and the accompanying planets be influencing us on a major level, we will also be cosmically affected by the eclipse energy, as this is the last eclipse of this season and it’s influence remains with us until the next eclipse season begins in December, and we will notice old stories not closing and a new theme entering and altering our lives.

We will now be finding closure on everything that has occurred over the past six months, and be entering this new six month eclipse chapter with rejuvenated, lighter and more vibrant energy. 

This moon will be emanating a strong lunar energy that delivers abrupt change, which will be most noticeable a few days after it reaches its fullest illumination. All zodiac signs will be affected, but in particular those born with Capricorn in their chart.

In many ways, this Full Moon will feel overwhelming, exhausting and at times debilitating, but mostly that is due to the eclipse energy magnifying the cosmic energy, causing everything to feel as though it is accumulating and coming to a head at once.

Intuition will be heightened and revelations, insights and premonitions about our circumstances will be coming to us thick and fast, and could cause us to recoil from loved ones as we attempt to make sense of our place in other people’s lives. We will likely notice our relationships are being tested, which may result in us seeing the truth about those who aren’t authentic or sincere in their relationships with us. Particularly, we will see through the masks of those whose intentions and motivations do not match their words.

The build up of lunar and planetary energy, is also bringing endings. The saying “when one door opens, another door closes” will most definitely be ringing true in the days ahead.

This frequency creates a huge energy shift that activates deep inner healing, brings closure, encourages transformation, and ultimately assists us with our personal evolution. 

The Capricorn moon is the perfect time to cleanse and shed old energy and release any tension we have been carrying from the past, as we now journey through the second part of the year and into a transformational manifesting stage. 

We can do this by eliminating what no longer serves our highest good—and although we may have been conditioned to believe that it is our duty to hold tight to everyone and everything around us, not all is meant to stay with us on our path forever—especially when who or what surrounds us is detrimental to our emotional or mental health. 

One thing that many of us struggle with when dealing with endings is knowing whether we should try harder and hold on to something or someone, or whether it is time to surrender to what is not meant to be, and lovingly let go. Only we have the answers to that, and the only way to really know whether we are making the right decisions is to silence the mind, go within, and listen to what our inner soul and higher knowing is telling us—without fear or attachments.

What makes this exceptionally difficult is that this moon will be causing many of us to feel extremely fatigued, unable to sleep properly, having realistic dreams and nightmares and experiencing fluctuating emotions and mood swings. We may find we are irritable, not thinking clearly, deliberating, and switching sides from one end of the scale to the other at breakneck speed. We may also get caught up in domestic dramas or futile disagreements, failing to see eye-to-eye with those around us, or choose to silently and calmly end relationships or friendships that cause us more harm and pain than they bring happiness and peace.

If possible it is highly recommended to rest during the period when the moon is at it’s fullest, and hibernate away from much of the highly-charged energy around us. If this means spending the day in total solitude to process the emotions, feelings and thoughts that are unearthing, then so be it. What’s important is taking the time necessary for reflection, emotional and mental health, peace and to listen to the energies and pay attention to what other people’s vibrations are telling us. 

Capricorn is a tough but determined energy force and a master at manifesting, so flow with the energies and think magnificently—and about how you are going to reach goals, aims and dreams. Use this powerful cosmic energy to focus on creating the reality you want to be living, and start taking steps to bring what you want into existence by believing that pretty much anything is a possibility with hard work, belief and determination.

We may notice during this Eclipse phase that whatever we have been trying to manifesting, for example, deeper soul connections, greater abundance, relocating or planning a career move, will quickly come to fruition or the path toward them will suddenly become clear. This new cycle brings with it a flow of possibilities and opportunities that help us create an incredibly positive and exciting new start. 

A quick guide to manifesting.

Thoughts and feelings vibrate outward and emit energy, which magnetise other energies that resonate on the same frequency. We are all transmitters of energy—and energetic resonance helps create our reality, so at all times be mindful of the signals emanating from your energy field. 

Clear your resistance and doubtful or fearful repetitive thinking to be sure you’re sending out a clear and concise message about what you want to attract or repel.

Ensure all thoughts and feelings are aligned—otherwise, confusing mixed messages are sent out that make it impossible to actualise what you want to receive.

Let go of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs, as they are draining and they lower your vibration.

Write down a plan and be super clear about what you hope to achieve over the next six months—and beyond, if desired. Ensure it includes a step-by-step guide as it will help bring you closer to your goals.

Trust the process, your intuition, and inherent ability to safely guide your journey. The soul knows where it is going; the key is to silence the noisy, fearful mind.

Meditate daily and reaffirm your intentions with a positive mindset.
Work hard and put in maximum effort to reach your goals, so that whatever you wish to manifest has the greatest opportunity of coming to fruition.

Each time you receive a sign that the manifestation is working, send gratitude to the universe for co-creating and aligning energy so that the plans flow effortlessly and fluidly.

It is highly recommended to meditate as often as possible during a full moon and to carry out a manifestation ritual to kick-start plans into action. 

Those who are highly sensitive to energy will be more susceptible to the impact of this celestial event and may feel overwhelmed at times due to the influx of highly charged energy. To combat this, it is important to process emotions or old feelings that come up and discern whether the emotions are our own, or whether they belong to those around us. 

If we absorb other people’s emotional energy, we could find ourselves triggered, more irritable, fatigued, and moodier than usual. If this happens, remember to take time out to rebalance and ground.

We can ground our energy by drinking a glass of water with a few sprinkles of pink Himalayan salt in it, and keeping the awareness that we’re safely supported by the Universe above and the Earth below.

As with everything moon related, it is all for our highest good, and that of those around us. So although major change and transformation is on its way, there is nothing to fear, as long as we stay mindful and aware and don’t react irrationally to the turbulent and potent energy swirling around.

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