"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Eclipse energy shift - 2-17.07.2019

The Schumann Resonance is known to directly impact our nervous system, as our own energetic frequency attempts to fall in line with it. Therefore, when it peaks, our own frequency suddenly goes out of alignment, so we may notice sudden and unexplained bouts of anxiety, irritability, restlessness and the inability to sleep deeply or for long periods. This is due to our energy body/electromagnetic field being out of harmony with our planet's frequency.

Scientists believe that the Schumann Resonance de-synchronizes our circadian rhythm, our biological clock. The pineal gland in our brain is affected by the electromagnetic activity. This causes the gland to produce excess melatonin, and melatonin is the brain’s built in “downer” that helps us sleep.

Dr. Dispenza explains that there is a mutual and natural relationship between living beings and the Schumann resonance.

Dr. Joe Dispenza explains, “it has long been suspected that human consciousness can impact the magnetic field of the earth and create disturbances in it (and vice versa), particularly during moments of high anxiety, tension, and passion. If you aren’t aware that we’re living in a time of high anxiety, tension, and passion, then you probably are not aware. In addition to the highly charged political, social, economic, and personal environments of our current time, many people have also been feeling like time is speeding up. This might explain the intense disturbance most of us are feeling at this time in history.”

As organic creatures made of matter and susceptible to electromagnetic fields we depend on our planet to survive and the Earth’s frequency is higher, than our own frequency is increasing. As a result of this process." - Cynthia McKanzie

Sirius is associated with new beginnings, new insights, new light, new awareness, and new thinking, and brings with it new levels of conscious awakening.

The surge of light waves emanating from Sirius carry an influx of divine wisdom and advanced knowledge from higher realms (known as ascension light codes) that stream toward our planet, and when integrated through our energy field, are said to awaken our consciousness, and activate our DNA.

While this energy portal is open, Sirius’ rays infiltrate planet Earth and help accelerate our personal and spiritual evolution.

This gifts Earth a brief and rare opportunity (known as a “star gate”) to absorb the energy from one of the brightest and most supercharged celestial bodies in our sky.

This is a time for life-altering and transformative occurrences that encourage us to stop procrastinating and work rapidly toward our goals and dreams. It is known as a beneficial period whereby plans we have been trying to manifest for some time quickly and effortlessly become a reality.

It is also a time for purging anything that is no longer in alignment with our authentic selves; therefore, bad habits and anything destructive in our lives—including obsessions, repetitive thinking, and toxic relationships—will naturally disintegrate. To assist this, our focus needs to be on letting go of attachments to people, belongings, or situations that have caused trauma and turbulence so we can transcend old patterns of behavior and move toward beautiful connections with affectionate, authentic souls.

To activate and absorb these light codes, it is recommended to meditate each morning and evening throughout this period to maintain a harmonic vibration so that we are easily able to resonate with and magnetise whatever it is we are hoping to attract and receive.

July is a highly transformational month due to the eclipse cycle that started on July 2-3rd and Mercury turning retrograde on July 7th.

It is also worth noting that this energy can affect technology and electronics - no coincidence pretty much the entirety of social media went through the loop yesterday! <3



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